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Never Never Land Page 10
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Page 10
If he had to think about breathing, he was getting way out of his depth. He was tired. Too tired for any polite shit.
“Yeah. I know.” Jenni’s new guy nodded.
“As long as you know that, we’ll get along fine.” Maybe too fine. Or not fine enough. Shit.
Morales stepped toward him.
“I like you, too, Jake.” Luis wasn’t stepping away. Jake looked up and decided Luis was way too close for comfort. Jake really wished he wouldn’t do that. He wanted Morales to make everything simple. Jake liked simple.
“Let’s not go there. Just not.”
Hell, why tiptoe around what he was thinking? Why not make it very simple and clear?
“Just so we both know ‑‑” Jake had to pause to catch his breath again and carefully did not look at the other man. “I do not spend my free time swapping boyfriends with Jenni.”
Adam would be fine with a swap or a threesome. Chris would shrug off any of his special friends leaving him for someone else ‑‑ as long as it wasn’t Adam. But no. He didn’t pick any of the gang who wouldn’t care. Jake had to somehow get tangled up with Jenni’s men. Or was that his men with her? Jesus.
Why the hell were all these guys attracted to both of them? Was Morales attracted? Or was this one just him and his fantasies? This was turning into some kind of sick joke. Maybe his gaydar really was permanently broken, the way his buddies said.
He could talk around it all he wanted. Jake’s hands itched with wanting to touch Jenni’s boyfriend. That was the one thing he was sure of right now.
“This isn’t the usual situation for me, either.” Luis shook his head as if he was coming up for air. “I’m not ‑‑ let’s say I’ve had more experience with a lot of different sexual scenes than some folks. But I’m old enough to be a hell of a lot more careful than I used to be. I make sure no one gets hurt. Usually. And I don’t want to hurt Jenni.”
“Good. We can agree on that.” Jake shut his eyes and tried to make his cock agree, too. “But ‑‑”
But what the hell happened just now?
It would be better to leave it. Just leave it. “But nothing. It’s done. Over.”
“Claro. I’ll just tell Jenni I have to work Friday, right?”
“Only if you feel like it. If this is done, then it’s done. If she’d like to have you there, it’s fine with me. I ‑‑” I can’t believe I’m going to say this. “Actually, I’m going to have someone over that night myself.”
It didn’t have to be Cole. Crap. But you didn’t invite just anyone on Friday night. That was another one of the damn rules of the group.
Who was he kidding? There was no one else. Cole was the only one Jake could imagine competing for his attention if Morales was there. Jesus God, he was calling Cole as soon as he got out of here.
And he wasn’t going to even think about trying for Morales’s attention. Not then. Not ever. He didn’t want to think about the sneaking happiness he had about finally finding a reason to talk to Cole again.
“Then I’ll show. This is kind of a test; I know that. I don’t want to disappoint her. I know you all mean a lot to her.”
A test? He wished he could believe that was all this meant.
Apparently she means a lot more to me than most of the guys I’ve ever fucked. I can’t remember the last time ‑‑ if there was one ‑‑ I turned anyone down because someone else would feel hurt.
Jake shrugged. “Mi casa es su casa. As long as Jenni is there with you and everyone leaves after dinner.” Jake smiled, just to show he was being polite.
Morales smiled back the same way, all teeth and no warmth. “Everyone you want to leave will be gone, Jake.”
“I appreciate that.”
But the bitch of it was, no matter where Morales and Cole were by Friday night, Jake wasn’t going to want them there.
Chapter Ten
Friday Night: Getting Ready for Jake’s Apartment
“What do you think?” Jenni turned around. She nervously ruffled her hair. “No good?”
Carissa had given the outfit her thumbs-up, but what Carissa liked wasn’t always right for Jenni. God. She hardly ever went the dress and high heels route, and she doubted the guys had ever seen her in the combination unless she’d had to go to some business dinner with one or the other. She couldn’t remember when she’d last been forced to be a “date” for one of them. It didn’t matter. They’d never been impressed.
Neither was this guy. In fact, Luis was preoccupied. He’d been this way ever since he arrived. Her big purchase had been for nothing. She shimmied a little, feeling stupid, but hoping for some reaction.
Her dress’s skirt twirled up, high, floating. He stared at her and she swore she saw his pupils dilate. Hot damn! She had his focus at last.
“Just one thing.” Luis surveyed her from head to toe. He put his hand on her butt and patted it. “Turn around again.”
“What one thing?” Something was wrong? What? She hardly ever wore red. Or fabric that hugged most of her skin. Or such a short skirt. Or ‑‑
“Ahhh. I thought so. No underwear. Perfect. I like.” He grinned at her.
“Why? Why do I even ask?” Jenni put her face in her hand.
“I don’t know. You should have known you’d get me interested with anything half as hot. Jenni?”
“We have almost an hour before we’re supposed to go to dinner. I want to do something for you. Just for you.”
“Trust me. I only want to make you happy.” He had kept his hand on her butt, but he shifted and moved his hand to her thigh, resting against her skin. “Please? May I?”
In her high heels, she was almost eye-to-eye with him. She saw his breathing change when he said please, and her heart rate began to speed up.
Trust him? She’d as soon trust dynamite not to blow up. But trust might be overrated.
“You may.” Her voice had changed ‑‑ grown husky.
He bent to kiss her stomach. It fluttered. Then he knelt before her, and she gripped his shoulders. His mouth was so warm and sweet as he bent to kiss from the front to the back of her knee. One, then the other.
Inch by inch, he kissed and licked his way up toward where his one hand still rested. Warm, hot, burning. The heat turned up as he got closer to where her thighs met.
“Beautiful.” He murmured it as both of his hands slid behind her legs and gripped her ass cheeks. “You feel so good.”
Oh yes.
“You smell just like a woman should. Spicy. For me. Waiting for me.”
“Big words for a man kneeling in front of me.”
“Verdad.” He buried his nose in her pubic hair. “I want you to groan for me, too. Cry and shudder and scratch me. Then shatter. Please.”
His breath tickled across sensitive flesh. Jenni clamped her lips shut. She wasn’t going to make things too easy for him. She wanted him to…work…
His soft hair brushed her one thigh as he stroked his tongue against her pussy. He opened those lower lips protecting her clit and stroked again.
Jenni shut her eyes and concentrated on not making a sound. His tongue and lips pushed her clit between them. Savored. Teased.
“Jen-nee. Put your legs over my shoulders.”
Jenni. Come. Oh, she wanted to. She wanted the thrill of the peak, then the crash. That beautiful crash.
No, she didn’t want to. She wanted to stay, poised between pleasure and waiting for that pleasure. To have this beautiful man crouched before her all night. How many women had a chance to enjoy something like this?
He didn’t seem to mind the wait. Slow, deliberate brushes against her clit… he would do this all night if she wanted. She wanted ‑‑
The coil of pleasure tightened up yet another notch and another.
Her mouth opened, but she didn’t scream. She didn’t have any voice. He took his thumbs and squeezed her clit tight, sucked it against his tongue.
; She found her voice then and screamed, her legs clamping around him. The heat rolled up, red and dangerous, crashing through her as she clawed his back.
Closer, more. She wanted more, even while she shook from what she’d received. She wanted to drown in sensation, to have Luis keep on and on until she couldn’t stand a second more of the building pleasure mixed with the agony of desire.
“Beautiful Jenni. So…beautiful.” He hummed the words against her clit, licking as he paused between words. Sucking when he stopped speaking.
She was still shuddering through the last of her climax when he twisted and eased her down to the ground. He held her. His cock was hard and hot between them, and she shuddered again at the feel of it. Her hips rose up from the floor, seeking.
“You’re beautiful, Jenni.” He kissed one tear from her face. “Believe me. You’re so beautiful.”
No one ever. No one else ever.
“You are, too.” Jenni stared down at her dress. He’d pulled it up so it was hardly even creased. “We ‑‑ we’re supposed to go. But you haven’t ‑‑”
“We are going. And I haven’t. But we’re both going to spend all evening thinking about how you’re going to make that up to me.” Luis rocked her against his body. Hard and aroused and waiting. Waiting for her. “Yes?”
“Oh, yes.” She felt loose and sated and excited and cherished. Itchy for next time. “Definitely yes.”
He stood up, lifting her with one hand as he did. Jenni staggered for a moment, and he kept holding her steady.
Then he smoothed her hair, flipped her skirt back down and put his face against her neck, letting her get some balance back into her world.
“Maybe we can go home early?” He whispered it against her ear.
“We don’t have to go at all.” She never skipped Fridays. But for Luis and sex…
“Oh no. Waiting during dinner will be part of the foreplay. My pretty Jenni.”
How had she gotten this lucky? A man who really understood foreplay. His hand rested on the small of her back as he opened the door for her. It was as if each finger in his hand was burning into her flesh.
She’d never wanted to rush through her Friday night ritual before. But right now, the idea of waiting a few more hours to come back here again with Luis made her want to scream.
Then again, she had the feeling that was the whole point.
* * * * *
“So, they’re both bringing someone.” Chris tapped his finger against the steering wheel. “That will make things different.”
“Being polite to Cole will be hard enough. But now I have to be polite to Officer Buck Naked, too.”
“I would try to be very polite to him, considering what he heard and probably saw before we’ve been formally introduced.”
“Damn, I wonder what we can do once we are introduced? I hope he’s as pretty in person. It would be a shame if he were photo-enhanced.”
“Like you’ll have the chance to find out what you’re thinking about.”
“I’m just thinking about a new face, lover.”
“Wish you had someone new to flaunt, too, Adam?”
“Crap, Chris. This fucking insecurity of yours ‑‑”
“Yeah. I’m insecure. But you’re not happy.” Chris didn’t turn the ignition key. “I’m boring. I get that. That’s why you pushed me into the bathroom sex thing, right? Because I’ve been holding back with you. I get that, too.”
“Chris. Hey, calm down. Anything I pushed you into was just a love tap. We were both hot for each other.” Adam knew this Chris too. It’s just that he didn’t see him too often. Despite his words, this was dangerous Chris. Something was going to happen. But would it be good or bad?
“But I scare you, Adam, even when I hold back. Why?”
“You make me too important.”
“You are important.”
“Chris, you’re the smart one. The successful one. The responsible one. I’ve never been. Never pretended to be. I’m not worth all that ‑‑ that ‑‑ feeling you give me.”
“You don’t feel the same for me?”
“Hell, yeah, but that’s different. You deserve it.” Adam groped for words. He never did that. “You wouldn’t let me down.”
“I did before. And I have now. You called us both fuckups before.”
“I lied. There’s no we in there. It’s just me.”
“Bull. I’m the fucked-up one here. I’m the one with the fucking disease.”
“Will you shut up about that? Chris, you didn’t let me down. You never let me down. You never will. You can’t. I know you too well.”
“Don’t you realize I know the same thing about you, Adam?”
But you’re wrong.
Chris stared at him as if he were reading his mind. Adam shut his eyes and prayed, just once, that what he was thinking wasn’t going to jump out of his mouth or be clear from his face.
Chris tapped him on the chin, and Adam opened his eyes. Chris was looking at him with narrowed eyes.
Danger. It wasn’t just a threat now.
Adam caught his lip between his teeth.
“You know, sometimes we talk things out way too much. I’m going to show you, asshole. What you are and what I am. What we are. Together.” Chris twisted his fingers into Adam’s hair and pulled his head back. “Get your pants off. I’m going to screw you blind.”
That did it. Adam’s cock was already up and ready with just those growled words.
“Shit. We’re going to get arrested in the parking lot of your condo. We got away with sex in public once ‑‑ and don’t tell me that little episode won’t come back to haunt us. But twice is pushing it. Officer Buck Naked will be reading us our rights before we make it to dinner.” But Adam unbuckled his pants anyhow, trying not to fumble with excitement.
“It’s quiet right now. We’re not near the surveillance camera. If we don’t make a lot of noise, no one will find out.” Chris pulled out a condom and small tube from the glove compartment.
“Hot damn, Chris. When you decide to make a statement you ‑‑”
Chris kissed him, not very gently, but very completely. Adam decided to shut up.
It was just as well, because Chris was shoving him into the backseat and damn near ripping his pants off. Adam’s attempt at wiggling out of his clothes only seemed to make Chris more determined. Chris pressed the button, and the seats pushed forward. He’d always loved automation.
“Bend over.”
Adam had never heard anything more romantic in his life. There was nothing like Chris being firm. Really, really firm.
“You all right?” Chris was already halfway up his ass before Adam could even remember what he was supposed to answer.
Adam realized he was going to make some holes in those posh leather seats in another minute, he was clawing at them so hard.
Jesus, fuck! What had Chris said about not making noise? Chris was hammering him into the leather car seats. The slide and slap of them hitting the back supports began a staccato rhythm as Adam slammed up against the seat and then pushed back, hard, onto Chris’s cock. Thank God for big back seats and luxury cars.
Chris nailed his prostate again and Adam bit back a yell, covering his mouth with his arm.
Oh merciful God, yes. That’s what he wanted. Chris needing him that badly.
Heat and motion.
That’s what they were. Together.
Chris was snarling something incoherent and Adam knew he was grunting with each thrust, but the noise was blurring in his head as he got his sexual rush. Adam glanced down to see Chris’s hand clamped down over his, holding him tightly down.
Chris doing exactly what he wanted to him. They both got off on that. No one else ever did it better.
“Mine.” Adam did hear that. Chris was damn near shouting it right in his ear.
Friction and the full length of Chris’s cock sliding in and out. That had always been his idea of
heaven. Nothing better than Chris inside him. Part of him. Pushing him toward…
Adam shut his eyes and let go.
* * * * *
“So, Jake.”
“So, Cole.”
What did it mean, that he’d called and Cole had shown up? Jake wanted to believe it meant something important, but wants and what was real didn’t always match up.
“I’m here. Just like you asked. A little early even.” Cole put the wine bottle carelessly down on the counter. He sauntered over to where Jake was standing, holding a corkscrew. He leaned deep into Jake’s personal space and kissed him.
The bottle opener dropped to the floor.
“Don’t worry. It’s not broken.” Cole bent down. “While I’m here ‑‑”
Jake looked down, and his mouth went dry. He hadn’t known just how much he wanted to see Cole on his knees in front of him. It took him a second to realize he’d gone absolutely still, and his lungs were burning. Apparently he wanted that mouth more than he wanted to breathe. Jake gulped in some air, backed blindly into the counter, and gripped it hard with two hands.
Cole didn’t waste time. Within a half minute, Jake’s pants were down. Cole’s fingers teased while he pulled a condom on. Once it was carefully, much too carefully, fitted, Jake leaned back and watched Cole’s checks hollow out as he sucked Jake’s cock in without preliminaries.
Jake’s neck whipped back with the sensation.
“For someone who makes a hobby out of being with men, you’re pretty damn good.”
“Pretty damn good?” Cole looked up, his blue eyes snapping. “Baby, you’re going to see me shoot up to number one cocksucker on your chart before we’re done.”
He tickled Jake’s balls, lightly. Jake yelped and thrust his hips forward. Cole stopped.
“Say please.”
“Fuck, Cole ‑‑ all right. Please.”
Damn, it was like Cole had never left. Except that this time Jake was enjoying a master cocksucking instead of a master ass-reaming. Cole was multitalented.
Cole held the base of his cock in a tight fist and he alternately stroked and squeezed his balls with the other hand. And that mouth. Jake licked the sweat off his upper lip.