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Threshold Page 13

  Amazed, laughing, body tense as a guitar string, Tim lifted Carly and carried her to the bed. She was all boneless woman, soft and malleable, shivering and sighing and smiling shyly at him.

  He couldn't believe it! He'd just brought a woman to climax, felt her tighten around his fingers, inhaled the sweet rush of her breath as she sighed against him. She was hot and shivering and smiling, clinging to him, all warm and needy…needing him!

  He wanted to laugh aloud but he didn't dare. Instead, hands shaking with barely suppressed desire, he slowly removed her shirt, sliding the unbuttoned garment over her shoulders and baring the most perfect breasts he'd ever seen—full and round, with deep rose-colored nipples puckered into tight little beads just begging for his tongue. This time, he knew exactly what to do with them. Tim leaned over to suckle first one, then the other, his long hair sweeping across her breasts, over her lips.

  Sweet! She tasted so sweet and the feel of that taut flesh against his tongue was like nothing he'd ever imagined. So much sensation, so many new feelings, new tastes. She arched her back, forcing her nipple higher, telling him without words how much she wanted.


  His fingers raked her sides, touching each rib, slipping along the silky flesh. She was so smooth! He'd never imagined the feel of a woman, the scent, the very essence, would be so unique.

  Caught in the sensation of touch and taste, he felt preternaturally aware of the soft, searching touch of Carly's fingers as she worked the zipper down on his jeans. He sucked his stomach in at the slightest brush of her hand and almost bit into her nipple when the cool strength of her fingers encircled his rigid cock.

  Ohgodsohgodsohgodsohgods… He didn't want to come, he…please, just hang on, don't lose it don't… He leaned away, terrified of losing control, nostrils flaring, his breath ripping painfully at his lungs. “I guess Sheyna knew what she was doing,” he panted, backing away from Carly and standing beside the bed.

  Quickly he slipped the denim jeans off and left them lying on the floor. His cock jutted out from his body, big and hard and ready. There was none of the weakness he expected, none of the loss of strength that always followed an intense kinetic experience.

  He was powerful, his cock was huge and hard and there was a woman waiting in his bed. He wanted to laugh with the wonder of it all, but he flashed a quick grin at Carly, then raced across the room to dig the condoms out of the box of supplies.

  He could have grabbed them kinetically without leaving the bed, but what if it messed with his hard-on? He shouldn't be this horny, not after using so much of his power to bring Carly here, but damn, he was so turned on…his hands were shaking so that he could barely get the wrapper undone. Laughing at his obvious lack of finesse, he walked back to the bed and handed the wrapped condom to Carly. She tore the packet free with her teeth.

  “Wow…these are different,” she said, taking the standard issue condom out of the package.

  “How so?” He couldn't believe he was standing here beside a bed where a gorgeous and lusty blonde awaited him, discussing condoms.

  “So thin, and clear, too. Condoms are usually thicker material than this.” She glanced up at him, then leaned close and suddenly reached for his cock. When her long fingers wrapped around him he thought he'd explode.

  Ohgodsohgodsohgodsohgods… He clenched his fists at his sides, tightened his jaw, flared his nostrils to grab each ragged, painful breath. “Technology,” he gasped. “I told you it's…”

  “Let's just hope it's big enough.” She appeared oblivious to his distress as she sheathed him. “That's definitely a material I've not seen before. It's so light it's barely even there and it goes on so easily.” She studied her handiwork, then leaned over and placed a kiss on the very tip.

  His cock jerked in response. Tim groaned and prayed his knees wouldn't buckle. He knelt over her, enjoying for the first time in his life the pleasurable ache of sexual excitement, the wonder that in mere seconds, if he didn't screw up, he would be burying himself deep inside her wet heat.

  Carly spread her legs and arched her hips, inviting him in. Praying for control, Tim knelt between her legs and slowly pressed his cock against her thickened labia. The wetly lubricated flesh parted easily. She was hot, so much hotter than he'd imagined, and tight. His balls ached, the deep, hollow pain a welcome distraction as he entered slowly, fighting the urge to slam into her with all his strength.

  He'd waited so long for this experience, wondered what it would be like. It was so much better, so much more…so… Oh shit, he really didn't want to lose it now, but she felt so good, so damned good…and hot. He'd never imagined how hot it would be. So hot the damned condom might melt. Hot and wet and he had to go slow, slower or he'd combust.

  He couldn't rush things now, not now when he was finally…oh shit. She tilted her hips, bending her knees, lifting forward and drawing him deeper. His balls tightened up, the pain in his gut turned to a coil of heat and he was going to lose it, right there, barely inside and he was going to come and make a damned fool of himself and she'd know.

  She'd know this was his first time, and she'd know he was some kind of freak and…he pulled back, slightly, and she sighed. The heat was still there, the power and the need, but he'd caught himself, controlled himself in time.

  He drove into her again, deeper this time.

  He wasn't sure he'd fit. Without anything to compare, he felt he'd literally entered uncharted territory. Mouth slightly open, dragging in great gulps of air, he drove a bit deeper, pulled out, then finally thrust as far as he could. Her muscles stretched and pulsed around him. He clenched his buttocks, tightened his fists around the pillow on either side of her head. Strands of her thick hair caught in his fingers as she welcomed him on a sigh, taking all of him until their pubic hair meshed in a moist tangle and his balls rested against the cleft between her buttocks.

  Tim held there a moment, breathing deeply, his chest working like a bellows as he savored the feeling, the sense that all the years of waiting and wondering were worth the pleasure, the sense of coming home he felt with this woman.

  The pressure ebbed just a bit, enough to let him sense some control over his raging cock, so he leaned over, brushed his damned hair away from her breasts and took a nipple into his mouth, suckling it hard and deep. The bud tightened, elongated between his lips and he nipped at her with his teeth.

  She moaned, arched her back, shoving her breast closer against his mouth. He tilted his hips and thrust once more against Carly. She met him, her hips rising and falling in cadence with his, her breath growing more ragged, the look in her eyes more glazed.

  Tim grabbed her up in his arms. He captured her buttocks in both hands, sat up with her clasped tight against him, and leaned back on his heels. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he lifted her with each driving thrust.

  He was coming. The coil of power was building and this time there'd be no holding it back. His hips thrust like a driving piston, the heat and friction taking him where he'd never been. Suddenly, Carly tightened, then shuddered in his arms, threw her head back and screamed. She pulsed around him, hot and tighter still, her muscles clenching, holding him, tipping him over into…

  Tim cried out, his hoarse shout as much a cry of triumph as release. His hips pumped against Carly. Her arms squeezed his neck, her legs tightened around his waist, holding their bodies together.

  Still he came, the orgasm ripping through him with such force he brought Carly once more to peak. She cried out, whimpered and slumped forward until her head rested against his shoulder. Tim had the sudden sensation he was a balloon with all the air let out. His muscles quivered, his lungs felt incapable of drawing in enough air to sustain him. He eased Carly down onto the bed, barely able to support his own weight, much less hers.

  Gasping, still locked together in the lingering ripples of release, Tim turned his head to look into the eyes of the woman next to him. What he saw there shook him to the bone. Carly stared back at him through h
alf-lidded eyes, her lips red and swollen from his kisses, her expression one of shock and sated disbelief.

  Suddenly she giggled. He felt the little convulsion of her laughter against his cock. He frowned in response and wondered if he'd done something really stupid. What if…?

  Carly reached up and brushed his long hair back over his shoulder and giggled again. Her laughter was infectious…Tim fought the urge but he lost it.

  Laughing out loud, he leaned close and kissed her on the end of the nose. “Is that all you have to say?” he asked, still chuckling. Good lord, he'd never felt like this in his life! Boneless…absolutely boneless and wanting like hell to do it all over again. What if she didn't feel the same? What if she knows this was my first time?

  “Do you always laugh at men after sex, or is it just me?”

  “Oh, it's definitely just you.” She giggled again and her eyes slipped closed. “All I have to say is wow.”

  “Wow works. In fact it works really well.” For a minute there… Thank goodness, she hadn't guessed. Tim sighed and hugged Carly close. She didn't have a clue he'd never made love to a woman before, much less given her an orgasm…or three.

  She snuggled against his side, her warm breath tickling his ribs. “Amazing,” she whispered. “Truly, absolutely amazing.”

  Amazing? Tim tilted his chin and kissed the top of Carly's head, silently thanking her. She didn't know. Had no idea she'd just taken him on the ride of his life. Feeling a bit cocky, he reached down and held the edge of the condom tight against his withering cock as he regretfully withdrew from Carly's warm sheath. She sighed when he pulled out, her sleepy eyes glowing with what appeared to be tears.

  The look on her face shook him to the core. Heading for the bathroom to dispose of the condom, he realized his hands were still shaking. When he looked in the mirror a few moments later, he almost expected the face staring back at him to somehow look different, older.

  He hadn't changed a bit, at least not so anyone could see. Inside, though…inside, he was not the same guy. Tim studied his reflection as if he were a stranger—deep blue eyes, the dark sculpted face that spoke of his Cheyenne heritage, the thick black hair he grew long in honor of both his mother and sister, women who, like him, carried the blood of an ancient race.

  Still the same old face he'd always seen, but now it fronted a totally different guy.

  Amazing. He'd heard Carly's soft whisper just before he left the bed. She thought their lovemaking was amazing. He choked back the urge to cut loose with a wild war whoop of triumph. Not a freak. No, Carly didn't think he was a freak.

  She was right. It was amazing. For the first time in his life, he felt complete. All the battles he'd fought and won, all the successes and triumphs of the Rebellion hadn't left him this satisfied. Feeling like a whole man.

  A man with his woman waiting in the next room.

  Chapter 5

  Carly watched Tim walk across the room and he looked so damned sexy she felt like crying. His butt was perfect, his back was perfect and his long black hair flowing over his shoulders and falling nearly to his waist had to be the sexiest thing she had ever seen on a man.

  Not to mention his legs. Long, muscular legs, dusted with black hair—perfect legs. Perfect ass. Perfect…everything.

  A perfect stranger.

  Her body still pulsed, her skin tingled all over and she'd never, not in her entire life, had an experience quite like the sex they'd just shared.

  Sex. Good lord, the best sex in her life and it was with a complete stranger! A stranger who'd kidnapped her, who might, for all she knew, be certifiable. Maybe she was, God help her, because she actually believed the crap he'd told her, the stories about a future Earth, wars and aliens, big lions who talked and read minds and flew in space ships.

  She was definitely losing it. But what a way to go, the little voice in her head whispered. What a way to go.

  Carly flopped over on her back and stared at the ceiling. Time to think about this. Time to get her priorities straight. She glanced toward the bathroom, but the door was still closed. Was he laughing at her? Forty-five years old, the fresh bloom of youth a thing long past. Was he in there laughing about his charity fuck?

  He was so young. Thirty maybe? Thirty-five at the most, but holy shit, he knew how to make love to a woman! She giggled. Couldn't help herself. She knew damn well he'd enjoyed himself as much as she had. The bathroom door opened and Carly bit her lip to control her laughter. Her body had barely recovered from his loving and she already wanted him again.

  He stood in the doorway, his cock at half-mast and an adorable grin on his face. He'd pushed all that lovely long hair back over his shoulders, but his blue eyes twinkled and the muscles in his chest rippled. Carly wanted him so much she felt the muscles in her vagina begin to clench in anticipation.

  “If we're gonna do this again,” he said, laughing, “I need something to eat. Getting you here took a lot out of me. Taking you took even more.”

  “Taking me?” She bit her lip, grinning at the telling comment. He was younger than she'd guessed.

  “Yeah,” he said, walking over to the bed and leaning over her, his long, strong arms outstretched and supporting his weight on either side of her. His hair brushed her shoulders, draped over her face, tickled her breasts.

  She ducked under his arms, leaned over and quickly grabbed his cock and placed it between her lips.

  “Oh shit…” His hips thrust forward and she knew it was a totally involuntary move. So empowering, to know she had this control over him…this power over a man big and strong and so gorgeous he stole her breath away.

  His cock was only partially erect when she took him in her mouth and she suckled him deep and hard. Half lying on the bed, she grabbed his firm buttocks and held on tight, controlling his thrusts into her mouth. She kept her lips and tongue in motion while her fingers traced the contours of his ass, touched his balls and tickled the tightly puckered ring of his anus.

  He groaned and leaned forward and she went with him, lying on her back with Tim over her, his cock still slipping in and out between her lips, his mouth tantalizingly close to her crotch. He leaned forward to brace his weight on his elbows and his mouth was so close to her pussy she felt her vaginal muscles clench in expectation.

  Would he use his mouth on her? Would he find her flavors as exciting as she was discovering his to be? She hadn't expected him to taste so good. There was something almost addictive about him, about the essence of this young man who appeared to honestly find her attractive.

  It's been too long, she thought, losing herself in his taste. Too damned long.

  Oh, gods. He hadn't expected that! Her mouth caught him by complete surprise, the hot, wet suction bringing him erect in a heartbeat. His legs quivered. In the back of his mind he knew he needed food, recognized the chemical imbalance from too much kinetic and sexual exertion and too little fuel, but he'd rather keel over in a dead faint than ask her to stop.

  Her tongue curled and licked the full length of his cock and her fingers moved a mile a minute, caressing his balls, sliding up the crease in his ass and teasing him there.

  Ohshitohshitohshit… She was going to eat him alive and he wasn't doing a thing for her. That didn't seem right, somehow, though for the life of him…

  Tim knew his legs were going to give out, knew he couldn't stand here any longer while she did things to his body he'd never even imagined. As if she understood his dilemma, Carly moved over on the bed and he straddled her, his cock hanging down over her mouth, his face delightfully close to her crotch.

  Her scent drew him. Like a siren's call, her earthy, womanly scent called him. He knelt over her and rested his weight on his knees and elbows just as she once again swallowed his cock.

  He tried to hold back the moan of pleasure, but his chest vibrated with the sound. Her pussy was right there, all springy golden hair and glistening pink lips. It seemed only right to taste her, to run his tongue around that taut little nub at the ap
ex of her thighs, to lap at the fleshy lips pouting just for him.

  He wasn't quite certain what to do, but some instinct drove him, some inbred knowledge that she would like it if he suckled her there, licked her here, put his tongue inside her just now.

  Damn, it wasn't enough! He buried his face between her legs, lapping at the moisture flooding his lips and tongue. His hair swept over her legs and he pushed it out of his way. He suckled her clit, felt it pulse between his lips, noticed that each time he circled it with his tongue she would jerk her hips, press closer against him.

  Her hands and mouth were all over him, suckling his cock, his balls, stroking his buttocks, her fingers pressing against his ass. Hell, he'd never had a clue how sensitive that little hole could be!

  Was she…? Did women…? His fingers gripped her buttocks, kneading the fleshy mounds, holding her close against his mouth. With the middle finger of his right hand, he found the tight little puckered opening, pressed lightly against it and felt her moan of pleasure vibrate against his cock.

  His left hand was just as busy, his long fingers stroking slowly at the opening to her pussy, spreading the slick moisture along the crease between her cheeks.

  Moistening his finger with her juices, he inserted it slowly into her ass, barely breaching the opening the first time, then going deeper with each small circular thrust. His tongue lapped at her clit, then he suckled it hard and fast between his lips just as he buried his finger in her anus.

  He didn't expect her to do the same damned thing to him at exactly the same time.

  Her mouth clamped down on his cock, her finger breached his ass and all hell broke loose. Tim's orgasm rocked his world. Her fingers clasped the base of his cock, her mouth sucked even harder, as if she wanted to drain him dry.

  Fluid gushed into his mouth, hot and salty sweet, and so good. He kept up the pressure on her clit with his tongue, moved one finger inside her ass and pumped his fingers in and out of her pussy. He almost laughed, picturing the two of them all twisted together on the bed, a veritable fucking machine gone mad!