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Alpha Boxed Set Page 17


  Decades of wanting. First Rome’s daddy and then him. Knowing he couldn’t have either of them for real. Knowing it was wrong and stupid and futile to feel that way.

  “You’re wrong. Wrong about us,” Rome whispered.


  Just like the want he saw in Rome’s eyes, now that they were open and looking straight at him. Still. Rome wanted him that bad still. No one had ever had that look for him. Just him. A burn rose up in Grey’s throat, almost stopping his speech. He got the words out anyhow.

  “I hurt you once. I figured you’d get over it.”

  “Oh, I did. Licked my wounds—and someone else—after I crawled away from your bed that night. I didn’t die from you saying no, Grey. In fact, I’ve done just fine on my own and with other people, both in and out of bed.” Rome’s lips twisted. “But I knew then and I know now that we could have built up something even better together. We should have. It was your stubbornness, your blindness that spoiled it.”

  “Maybe it just delayed things a mite.”

  Rome didn’t answer. Grey couldn’t blame him. He didn’t know what to say himself to that last sentence.

  “What does that mean?” Rome sounded shakier now than he had when he first came to.

  “Why don’t you take your pants off and find out?” Hell. He really hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

  “Don’t try to shit me, Grey.”

  Then again, maybe he had meant it. His body hummed with excitement. What the hell did he have to lose? The kid was already angry with him for not having sex. What difference would sex make?

  “Hey, where’s all that sweet talk, boy? I’m giving in, letting you have your way with me. It was all ‘I love you’ when I wouldn’t put out.” Grey unbuttoned his shirt. “Are you telling me you won’t respect me in the morning?”

  He heard a shaky sigh.

  “Unbutton your pants, too, Grey, and I’ll bet I respect you a hell of a lot. I remember the monster inside there.”

  “It remembers you, too, boy.” His cock stiffened, as if in agreement.

  “Rome. Call me Rome, damn it, not boy.”

  “Then let me see what kind of man you are.”

  It was a wonder Rome didn’t rip his pants, he got them off so fast. Grey would have smiled, but when all the blood in your body was rushing to your cock, it was kind of difficult to remember how. The kid didn’t bother to pace himself, just tore his clothes off and let Grey see.

  God. Damn. It.

  The body was as perfect as his damn face. This was no kid. Rome was a man. Hard muscles, furred chest, tight ass. Rome’s cock was already jutting out in excitement. Oh, yeah. He was just as tasty as Grey had imagined in his fantasies.

  Grey stopped, pants halfway down his legs and said, “Suck me off.”

  “We’ve been there before.” But Rome’s eyes were shining. “You better plan to go a little further than that tonight. Or are you going to back off again, old man?”

  “Your ass is going to know where I’ve been soon enough. But I want your mouth right now.” Those full lips and those teeth with just the slightest overbite. That freaking agile tongue, longer than any non-were’s. God, yes. They both wanted it, no matter what might be said out loud.

  Rome was on his knees and drawing Grey’s leaking cock inside almost before Grey had told him what to do, the kid’s cheeks already hollowing out as he began the suction. Oh yeah, this boy knew how to suck cock.

  Grey clenched his hands into fists, fighting the urge to spew right then, right into that clever mouth. It had been too long since Rome had done that and it had ended too abruptly.

  “Jesus, don’t tell me to stop this time, Grey. Don’t.” Rome murmured the words against Grey’s aching shaft. Grey shuddered, holding onto Rome’s shoulders before he slid to the floor.

  “You can bet I won’t. We’re not stopping until we’re both dripping wet, cross-eyed and face down on the floor.” Grey loosened his grip long enough to transfer it into Rome’s too long hair. He thrust hard into Rome’s mouth and that mouth let him in. Harder, longer, faster. He thrust deeper than he had in years with any of his partners.

  Grey was too damn big for most people and he’d learned to be considerate. Fuck consideration this time. He finally had a partner who knew how to match him. Rome was already making him forget everything but the animal that wanted more.

  And Rome was giving him more.

  Jesus, he was buried to his balls, with Rome’s lips still wrapped around his cock. And the kid was murmuring approval and making things feel too damn good…

  “Shit. Not. Yet.” Grey forced himself to stop.

  “You’d better be planning to finish this or—”

  “Or what?” Grey didn’t wait for the answer. “Get on your hands and knees. I want your ass bad.”

  He was damn tempted to jerk himself off as he watched Rome obey him. What could be sexier than seeing a man get ready for his cock? Especially this particular male. But he wanted to finish off inside Rome this time.

  God, what a pretty ass. And it was presented to him without an argument, just the way he’d asked. That was prettier yet. The kid had positioned himself on the bed in front of the yellowed motel mirror. So Rome wanted to watch? Grey realized his fingers were shaking as he spread lube into that tight hole. God, he better not fuck up in front of an audience. He didn’t think it was possible, though. If this turned out half as good for Rome as it was for Grey right now—

  Grey didn’t finish the thought. He couldn’t. He knew he couldn’t enter Rome immediately. Not if he wanted Rome begging for him. It would be over too fast. So he thrust one finger in and smiled, a tight grin, when Rome twitched against his hand. He used two fingers then, scissoring against Rome’s passageway and then three, grinding his palm against Rome’s ass.

  Rome whimpered, a heart-felt wail, and abruptly stopped.

  “What the fuck?” Grey’d meant to drag things out as long as he could, make Rome want it, remember it, crave it.

  Crave him.

  “I’m not—” Rome cut the words off as if they were strangling in his throat.

  “You’re not what?”

  Not interested? Shit. Grey almost whimpered himself.

  “I’m not—begging. I won’t. Not this time. Oh Jesus, Grey.” Rome backed against his hand. “Maybe I am. Just fucking do me.”

  That was it. Screw foreplay. Grey had just enough control to enter slowly. Carefully. He needed care. How much experience could the kid have? He’d been a virgin when he came to Grey first, begging for what he hadn’t known.

  Yeah, the kid remembered last time as well as Grey did. Rome had pleaded and wailed and, oh God, he’d been so sexy doing it…

  It had almost been as sexy then as now and the feel of him as Grey entered that narrow little hole. Jesus, it clasped him already, ready to clamp down.

  I want you. I want you to be the first. The only, for as long as you want me. Grey, you won’t be sorry.

  He hit the tight muscle ringing the passage inside and paused.

  “Grey!” Rome sounded lost, panicky.

  If he stopped now, he’d die. Combust and die. But Grey couldn’t hurt this fallen angel lover of his. He’d go slower even if it killed him. Madre de Dios.

  Hell. He hadn’t thought in Spanish for years. Not unless he was close to losing it. Slower. He had to go slower. Count to himself.




  “It’s so good. I never knew it could be this…good.” Rome thrust back, the mirrored image showing his face contorted with lust. And when he impaled himself on Grey’s cock, his mouth went slack with satisfaction.

  That was when Grey lost it. Lust hazed his sight. He knew friction against his cock, tight and perfect. Heat roared through his body. Howls. Pleasure. More than pleasure.

  Grey’s teeth sunk hard into Rome’s neck, claiming him the way weres did. He could think about why he was making a claim later.
Much later. Right now all he could think of was yielding flesh. He shook Rome’s neck and growled possessively, low in his throat.

  “Oh God, Grey, I’m coming!”

  Warm spunk flooded over Grey’s hands from where he was gripping his partner’s cock and stomach. Damn it, that was perfect—his lover’s come flowing over his hands and then onto Rome’s body, seemingly forever. He heard Rome’s guttural sounds of pleasure as he shook underneath him and Grey got set to milk every last drop.

  Rome bent and managed to lick Grey’s arm, the way a mate did to show submission. Trust. Love.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  Grey’s last remaining control snapped and his climax roared through him like a fireball, exploding through his body and into Rome’s.

  * * * *

  “Why not just artificial insemination?” Mia hoped she didn’t sound desperate.

  “We thought of that ourselves.” Lin looked briefly at her mate. “We don’t know if it would work. But even if it did, weres mate and bond for a reason. Even if this isn’t quite—usual—you still need a strong male to protect you and the baby. Who feels some bond toward you. It’s dangerous out there for a pregnant were. Or one with a small child to care for.”

  “It’s dangerous for any female alone with a baby, were or not. I’ve been there.” Leila put her hand on Mia’s shoulder. “I know this seems like we’re pushing you into something that isn’t at all usual, but we do care about you. We want you safe, Mia.”

  “But you care about the pack more.” Mia couldn’t keep the bitterness from her words. Damn, that was why she should never say anything. Words were too dangerous.

  “We care about you and both our packs. This way the two packs would be united with another bloodkin tie between us.”

  Bloodkin. She had none left. At least none she would ever acknowledge. It was her bloodkin that had tried to destroy the two packs when she was a kid. Some packs would have turned her out or even killed her. But her pack had defended her, said she was one of their own and Dek’s pack had agreed.

  How could she forget what she owed them?

  “I—I can’t handle Grey. He won’t want me anyhow. He doesn’t care about females.”

  “He cares about his duty to the pack.”

  “That’s not going to—to make him get it up!” Mia saw the men hastily hide grins. “I’m female. He’s not interested.”

  “I have a plan—” Leila began.

  “So do I.” Mia swallowed and fought against years of obedience. She fought against breaking her promise to Rome to say nothing. Nothing about the night he ran to her for comfort. Nothing about their feelings. But this was too important. She rushed the words out. “Get me Rome. Grey and he have always had something between them. And…and…”


  “And I’ve always wanted Rome. For a while, he wanted me too. Get me Rome and he’ll get me Grey. This is one time when weres won’t have a problem with sharing.”

  The rest of the room stared at her and she felt her cheeks heat.

  Weres had no problems with sex. Almost any kind of sex. But asking for permission for a threesome from four alphas… Mia hid her face in her hands.

  “Actually, my dear, that was my plan. You’re sharp, even though you’re so quiet.” Leila patted her on the head. “Grey’s orders are to fetch our lone wolf home. I expect Grey to be back here with Rome before we have time to blink.”

  Chapter Two

  Mia crawled into bed, exhausted. This bedroom was her refuge and had been so for years. It was the same room she’d had ever since the pack had made El Paso their home base five years ago. But she was different now—or she was supposed to be. She was an adult and soon her whole life was going to be different. Grey would bring Rome back. Grey always did what he said. And then…and then…

  Things would be different. So different. In a way she was grateful something was staying the same in the middle of such promised upheaval. Nothing in her room had changed. Here were the same high school posters, the same paint. And the frightened thoughts skittering inside made her feel like the same terrified teenager who used to cower from the rest of the pack and hide here alone.

  The window was open, letting in a slight breeze and almost dispelling the heat that had built up during the day. Mia stripped and lay on top of the covers. The forecasters had said there might be a storm brewing, but that was probably wishful thinking on their part. It probably got dull saying nothing but heat and sun all day, every day. El Paso weather rarely changed.

  It was almost the way it had been when Rome showed up that night. She’d been itchy and nervous then, with no real reason for it. Maybe she’d smelled trouble ahead.

  * * * *

  “Let me in, Mia.”

  “You know, when big bad wolves say that, you’re supposed to lock the door. Then they blow you—or at least your house.”

  “Not funny.”

  He hadn’t been in were form then. Not exactly. But she could sense the feral quality in his stance. Even if there hadn’t been The Change, something was different. He was different.

  He smelled like sex.

  He leaned against her window as if he might just come in whether she said yes or not. Because he knew it didn’t matter what she said. He knew what she wanted.

  Mia swallowed and realized she was going to let him inside the bedroom window, even though it was a stupid idea. The wrong idea. A bad idea—he wriggled through the open screen the second she unlatched it.

  Something about Rome always made her act a little adolescent. Maybe it was because they had been adolescents together. But tonight she was acting wilder than she’d ever let herself. First the blowing remark and then letting him see her like this…

  Maybe it was the full moon.

  He leaned against the wall, saying nothing.

  “What?” She fought the urge to cross her arms over her chest as he looked her over. He was the one who had trespassed into her private room, not caring if she was dressed or not.

  After that first long, assessing look, he smiled. A knowing smile. That gaze and that grin were so charged that it made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. If she’d thought she smelled sex when he was outside, the scent was doubly strong now.

  Damn it, that just wasn’t right. This was Rome. He might act superior to her, but among weres, they were equal. Equally low. He was an omega, just like she was—at the bottom in the pack ranks. An omega didn’t demand sex. An omega probably shouldn’t even think about sex unless someone in the pack said to.

  Even so, Rome smelled like sex and—beer. Mia’s nose wrinkled.

  “Are you drunk, Rome?”

  “Not enough, baby.”

  She would have left then, although it was her room and she was naked, but she realized there was something else Rome smelled like. Sex and alcohol and tears.

  Oh no. It couldn’t be. Rome was tough and macho. She might be tempted—had always been a little tempted—by the virile Rome. She’d always been able to resist that Rome. But this Rome? She’d always been a sucker for the injured.

  Mia put her hand on Rome’s shoulder, and he flinched, just slightly.

  Definitely there had been tears.

  “Who hurt you, Rome? What’s wrong?”

  “No one. Nothing.”

  “Stop being so manly for a minute. You came here for a reason. If you aren’t going to talk, why bother?”

  “What makes you think I came here to talk? And fuck it if I’m too manly for you.” He looked down at the floor. “Maybe that was Grey’s problem. I’m too manly. Or not enough.”

  His laugh sounded like a sob and, as if he realized it, Rome cut it off in the middle and took a deep breath instead.


  “I don’t want to talk about Grey. I don’t give a damn about Grey right now.”

  “I don’t think that’s true, Rome. I’ve always known how much you worshipped him.” Mia could never figure out what anyone saw in that silent, rather menac
ing beta, but then he probably saw even less in her. He never even talked to her. Everyone knew he didn’t give a damn about women.

  Rome went back to staring at her, as intensely as before. “That’s bull. I never worshipped anyone. Except—well—look at you, all stripped down and built like a goddess. I could worship you.”

  He might be avoiding the issue but it worked. Mia knew she was blushing. She liked to ignore her looks since they meant nothing. Omegas didn’t mate. Omegas only had sex if the higher ups in the pack demanded it of them, but that wasn’t an issue in this pack. Her looks didn’t matter to anyone. In fact, lately she’d almost forgotten what she looked like—which might be why she was here, defenseless in front of a hungry were who was definitely noticing her appearance.

  “I look like a woman. What of it?”

  Sex. The smell of sex strengthened. Mia licked her lips and tried to ease the dryness in her throat.

  “What of it? Jesus, Mia, you’ve got breasts like a porno star’s, except they’re real.” Rome came closer and Mia stiffened. He didn’t touch. But the way he looked made her as itchy as if he had. “And your ass. That is one fine ass.” He stopped and whispered, “I even like those big, big eyes of yours, staring at me like I’m going to gobble you up.”

  The big, bad wolf had definitely arrived tonight. Mia took a step backward and tried to rally. “You have the hots for Grey. I’m sorry if you two had a fight, but why run to me?”

  She’d known. Rome might have fooled non-were girls—and fooled around with them, too. But any were knew what Rome wanted as soon as he got in the room with Grey. The awareness of the older man’s presence, the scent of arousal. It was very clear.

  Rome didn’t flinch this time. Instead he ran his tongue over his teeth, as if he were preparing for a meal. “What of it? I’m not some one-team fan. I definitely like women. And, Mia, you’re right. You look like a real woman.”

  She’d always been a bit ashamed of how she’d developed. Her human change as an adult was almost as dramatic as her were change and sometimes even more bewildering. After all, a buxom blonde wasn’t what she was like inside. She’d been scrawny as a kid, almost as thin as a boy. That suited her better.