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Alpha Boxed Set Page 20
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Page 20
Rome backed away, half-laughing, half-serious.
Mia rested her nose in his crotch. She snorted. Things smelled different now. Sharper. He still smelled like Rome. Just more so.
“Shit! Mia, I mean it—”
Stiff-legged, Grey danced in front of the only one of them still non-were. Grey crouched. They knew what that meant, but even as Rome braced himself, Grey knocked Rome to the ground. He worried Rome’s hair.
Rome covered his face and throat. “You guys don’t take no for an answer.”
The male wolf mounted Mia, dry humping her, his back to Rome. They all knew the depth of the insult.
“Ah, to hell with it then—” Rome’s words ended with a howl.
Rome moved in a blur. Mia couldn’t see him clearly. During The Change she couldn’t always control her senses and he was fast. Lightning fast.
He barreled into her and they rolled on the ground. She offered her neck, submissively. Rome’s teeth closed over her throat, gently, but not so gently that she couldn’t feel the sharp prick of canines.
The growl above them deafened her sensitized ears. Grey stood over them both, demanding obedience. Rome snapped in the air, not trying to go close to the other male’s jugular but not cowed, either.
Mia crouched, waiting.
She didn’t have to wait long. Rome mounted her, keeping his muzzle close to her neck. She thought she could feel the extra weight of Grey as he mounted Rome, but she wasn’t sure.
Flashes of heat and the dizzying smell of sex surrounded her. She groaned, deep, as Rome moved. Wolves could mate for hours. She wasn’t sure if she could bear it, but she was more than ready to try.
Hardness inside her, friction, warmth, pleasure. Vaguely she knew the thrusting against her was different. That would be Grey’s doing, as he entered Rome, changing the sensual beat.
Rough. Fire. Spots danced in front of Mia’s eyes and she trembled, almost bucking her rider off.
He moved inside her, deeper yet, and she shuddered with the first roll of satisfaction. It moved through her like fire, scattering her. Making her whole. The hard knot of a canine penis swelled inside her.
More. There would be more and more yet.
Mia’s mouth dropped open in a wolfish grin.
* * * *
“I don’t understand.” Mia stared at her two alphas. “Why would you take on a job without me? I’m your electronics expert.”
She was damn good at it, too. The men could provide muscle and intimidation when their security contract called for it. She provided the surveillance hardware to back up the threat.
“Oscar or Ric can make do for this one.” Lin smiled at her. “We think you’re too valuable here to send you out on some three-week contract.”
“I’m too valuable to do my job?” Mia fought the next words. Swallowed them down. Alphas didn’t care for contradictions.
“Mia, what you’re doing right now is more valuable than the rest of what the pack can do combined. We can provide overpriced security for some spoiled heiress with our eyes closed. That’s just our work. But you? We’re counting on you to make a baby.”
If I’m not pregnant now, I’m never going to be. She didn’t say those words aloud, either. Mia didn’t really want to chat about why. But between Grey and Rome she’d been taken every way there was. Some of those ways had to include getting her pregnant.
“All right then. I’ll stay.” Mia sighed. “Of course.”
Chapter Five
I’m not some mindless breeding machine, to be set aside whenever I’m inconvenient.
Mia thought about all the things she’d wanted to say to the pack as they got ready for travel. She’d been with them all these years. She’d thought she’d been valued for her contributions.
Now she was only valuable if she could produce a new crop of babies.
Of course she hadn’t said anything. Omegas didn’t rail or complain. Omegas did what they were told and then steamed away inside.
“Hey.” Rome flicked a finger against her cheek.
Mia jumped. She’d been so absorbed in her thoughts that she hadn’t even realized Grey and Rome had arrived. She scowled. Of course they would arrive. They were the stud service.
And she was being an idiot. What was wrong with her tonight?
“Maybe I am pregnant.”
Grey’s chair clattered to the floor as he leaped to his feet. “Are you sure?”
Why couldn’t she keep her mouth shut now after being quiet all day? And was he happy or terrified over the possibility? She couldn’t tell.
“No, I’m not sure at all. Sorry. It’s just that I’m getting—temperamental, I guess. I knew what was going to happen before we had sex, but now it bothers me.”
“Sex bothers you?” Rome looked horrified.
Guys never understood anything.
“No, idiot. Being used for just one thing.”
“You can use us for that one thing, too, babe. It works both ways.” For once Rome’s sexy smile didn’t make her insides curl.
Grey was smart enough to be quiet. Or maybe he didn’t care enough to talk. It didn’t make any difference to them how she felt. Grey and Rome had each other. They didn’t need her. Except for babies, of course.
Oh, God. Now she wanted to cry.
“I need some time away from testosterone,” Mia said. “Far away.”
She stalked out of the room to dead silence.
“Women.” She wasn’t sure which one of them said it, but it made slamming her bedroom door shut all the more necessary.
Mia glared at the bed, with only the prospect of punching her pillow to cheer her up. Maybe she was pregnant, not just saying something off the top of her head. Her emotions certainly seemed out of control right now. If she was, then what?
Grey had never wanted her in the first place. She had no idea why Rome wanted her, other than her being female and available. Probably that was enough to make him want to have her. For a little while, anyway.
She sat down on the bed and hid her face. Once she’d had a baby, Grey and Rome would be gone. And she’d be—
Nothing. She was tired of being nothing.
She took a deep breath and her eyes widened. She cocked her head, suddenly alert to something outside her own misery.
Something was wrong. She could smell it.
Smoke. The scent of it was faint at first, but her nose was keen enough. She straightened and sniffed. It was definitely getting stronger.
“Grey! Rome!” And closer. The smoke was getting closer. “Help! Where are you?”
They might be gone from her life someday but right now they were around and she wanted them to be even nearer. Now.
Silence. Mia ran to the door, ready to rip it open. They wouldn’t ignore her when she called for help. Not unless they couldn’t answer.
Shit. Oh, shit. She’d left them on ugly terms and now—
“Damn it all to hell and back.” Grey’s faintly accented voice called to her, the accent and voice thicker than usual. “Girl, stay where you are. We’re coming for you.”
Years of obedience fought with common sense. If there was a fire, she had to get out, not sit and wait until it reached her. Mia looked at the window. She could hear the hissing of flames now in the hall. It would be dangerous to come to her room through the house. They might not make it. They probably shouldn’t even try.
“Get out. I can manage here!” she called.
No answer.
She put her fist to her mouth and bit hard to keep from screaming. A lifetime of obedience warred against a terrified need to survive. She waited, shaking. Everything in her screamed to run but she stood, fighting her gut instinct.
They were coming. She knew they’d be there for her. She wasn’t going to screw things up for the men.
The bedroom door crashed open. Without a word, Rome scooped her up close. Grey stood apart, scanning the bedroom window, and scowled.
“No good. It’s t
oo exposed here and too many people know where she sleeps. We have to go back.” Grey jerked his thumb to where she could hear crackling flames.
“Go back? We have to get out!” Mia did scream this time. Enough was enough.
Grey shook his head. “We’re being burned out for a reason. I expect they’re waiting for us to run outside.”
“Fine. So we won’t do that.” Rome slung Mia over his shoulder.
“What do you mean we won’t and who is they?” Mia said her face up against his ass. Maybe she’d be able to think clearer if she wasn’t choking to death.
“Busy. We’ll explain later.” Rome patted her butt.
She’d waited for these idiots?
“If we live through this, I may kill you both,” Mia warned before she began to cough.
They all ran down the hall, Mia hauled ignominiously over Rome’s shoulder, her rear in the air and her legs dangling across his chest. She was torn between fury and fear. When Rome stumbled and began to cough, too, fear won.
“What the hell are we doing?” She gasped the words, holding a sleeve across her nose. “You can put me down.”
“Crawl. There’s fresher air closer to the ground,” Grey snapped the order out. “I can take her if it’s getting too hard.”
“Fuck. Off. I’m keeping her.” Rome sounded choked but sure. He stayed on his feet.
“Call 911.” Mia tried again.
“No. This is were business. We don’t need others to know. My guess is they’re trying to get to you, Mia.” Grey was the only one who sounded unaffected by the smoke. “They want to burn us out and then grab you.”
She’d grown up on stories of what packs did to get female mates. She’d seen what her own family tried on Lin years ago.
Lord help them all.
No. They had to be wrong. This had to be some sort of accident. No one broke into the pack’s house that easily. They were the security experts, for heaven’s sake.
But then why weren’t the smoke detectors beeping? All she could hear was the fire hungrily crashing through the house, looking for more to devour, and Rome’s rasping breath.
“Maybe it’s safe. I don’t see or hear anything.” Rome squinted out the window, peering through the blinds.
“You want to risk a life on it?” Grey snarled.
Mia spoke up fast. “Sure. Mine.”
“No.” The men chorused the word together.
“Listen, if this is were business, they won’t try to kill me if I go out because they want me alive for breeding. I can keep them busy enough so that you can escape. And if no one tries for me, then we’re all safe.”
“I’m fast. Once I’m outside, I could take out the fuckers.” Rome rode over Mia’s words as if they were meaningless.
Grey touched Mia’s shoulder, then Rome’s. Mia could barely see his face through the smoke, but she could tell from Grey’s iron grip that he wasn’t holding them for reassurance. He was planning on physically keeping them from leaving. “If need be, I’ll go. I know more about getting out of bad situations than you two kids ever will. But it’s not that bad yet.”
Not that bad?
Mia wasn’t sure if she wanted to bite the two macho idiots or kiss them. Someone was going to have to give in and be saved. Otherwise they’d all sit together until they burned alive.
And those two males were stubborn enough to do it.
“Listen, I’m not worth dying over.” She began to cough. “That is, if you’re right.”
“I’m thinking I’m right. But no one here is going to die. And you’re not trading yourself for me.” Grey rasped the words in a low and menacing growl.
His battle voice. She was sure of it.
“Besides, we have reinforcements, Mia. We’re not gambling with you.” Rome’s voice was just as hard.
Reinforcements? They could have mentioned it.
“All clear!” Dek. Of course. She’d forgotten they had another Alpha around. Mia could have wept at hearing the familiar voice outside. “Get the hell out now!”
Grey surged to his feet and knocked his shoulder against the closest window. Blessed fresh air rushed in. Mia found herself pulled off Rome’s shoulder and tossed through the air.
She landed on the ground outside, barely in time to roll away as Rome hurtled through the window. Grey followed more sedately, climbing out and swatting at his head with his Stetson.
“Did you—have to throw us?” Mia gulped.
“Well, things were a tad close.” Grey cleared his throat. “Damn ashes were falling off my hat and getting on my hair and shoulders.”
Rome just hunched over, gasping.
“Are you all right?” Dek kept his eyes scanning, squinting into the horizon, his rifle still raised. “I’m calling the fire department now. Don’t think they’ll see anything they shouldn’t at this point. I sure as hell can’t.”
He flipped open his cell phone.
“Did you see—catch—anyone?” Mia asked.
“No, damn it. I missed whoever was hiding out here.”
Had there been a “they” out there, the way the men insisted? She wanted to believe this was some accident even though her gut screamed at her. Damn smoke. She couldn’t think after it fogged up her brain. Instead Mia turned and threw up, almost on Rome’s boots.
Appalled, she opened her mouth to apologize.
“We have to get her to Leila. Mia might be pregnant. All that shit she breathed in can’t be good.” Rome picked her up again, cradling her this time instead of hauling her.
“Leila is right here. You think she was going to let me come alone?” Dek almost laughed. “Well, you’re still young yet, son.”
“We’ll deal with this later. Mia might need attention right now.” Grey spoke up. “I had to toss her out kind of rough from the house. She might have gotten hurt when she landed.”
She really ought to take down that chauvinistic attitude. Neither of them were alpha and both of them had been through the same thing she had. But Mia decided she would do that later. Right now it sort of felt good to be fussed over, even if it was to protect the baby as much as her.
“You all are going to get checked over. Now. Before the firemen start asking questions.” In the distance they heard the distinctive whine of the sirens. “Leila! You can come out.”
“You damn well better believe it.” Leila looked grumpy as she joined them, still holding her revolver. “Don’t think you can make me stay in the truck next time. And no, I didn’t see anyone peel out by way of the road. Damn it. They were too slick for that.”
She looked over at Mia and crooked her finger. “I might as well do something useful tonight. I need to check all of you out.”
“I’m really fine.” Mia held back.
“I’m sure you are, sweetie. But let’s make sure. I didn’t take all those veterinarian classes just to twiddle my thumbs when they might be needed.” Leila ran her hands down Mia’s shoulders and began to pat her stomach. “Anything hurt? Do you feel sore?”
She’d forgotten that Leila had an interest in trying to figure out what medicine would help weres. They didn’t exactly have problems you could take to the local neighborhood doctor.
What would giving birth be like? She didn’t even know how to start planning. Could she go to a hospital? What if the pain and excitement triggered The Change? Maybe Leila would be her midwife.
Except—oh. She was a little slow as well as a little sore, but she knew the signs by now. They’d happened often enough.
“Um, Leila? Ma’am?” Mia lowered her voice. She didn’t need a public announcement for this one. “I think I’ve figured out my problem and it’s not pregnancy.”
Leila paused in her exploration and looked at Mia’s face.
“It’s the exact opposite.” Mia gestured, hopelessly. “Don’t tell the guys right now, but I think it’s that time of month.”
Chapter Six
“Rome, why are you doing this? We’re safe. Our packs can handle this. All we
have to do is wait for them to finish up a plan. Trying to take this pack on alone—that is not safe.”
Rome tried to relax his jaw. There wasn’t any need to yell now. This was Mia. She didn’t yell much. Well, unless she was trapped in a burning building. His jaw tightened at that thought and he tried again to get control of his emotions.
But he was exhausted as well as tense, a lousy combination. He and Grey had gone toe-to-toe and shout-for-shout for almost an hour. That damned Grey could be one stubborn jerk. It didn’t matter. Grey had met someone who could out stubborn him. Rome was still going to find the freakin’ curs who had tried to burn Mia’s pack house down, with them inside it. Then he was going to make them wish they’d never been born. Why was that so hard to understand?
Mia was as determined in her way as Grey was, but she was less likely to slug him. So he shrugged and tried talking again. “I’m not one of the pack, Mia. Not yours. Not Grey’s. The only one who can handle the insult to me is me. And I want to do it. I want to real bad.”
It was more than an insult. It was an actual nagging ache to pay back the people who tried to hurt Mia and Grey. To make sure they’d be kept safe. He’d had to hunker down and watch his companions choking. Wait and wonder if they would all die while he did nothing. He wasn’t going to stay feeling that helpless. He couldn’t live with that.
And he was tired of talking about it. He was going to do something. Preferably, something very violent and very final.
“You really think you’re alone?”
Rome almost laughed at the naiveté in the question. Sometimes Mia was so—so innocent. Those earnest eyes of hers actually looked surprised and worried. “I really do.”
“What about your parents?”
“They love me. But I can’t be what they want me to be for the pack. And if I can’t do that, they’ll have to find someone else to do it. They have others to tend to.”
He’d disappointed his parents first.
“All right, then. Are you telling me you still feel alone after everything the three of us have done together?”
Rome didn’t answer. Why keep going on about the obvious? He’d already done enough of that with Grey.