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Alpha Boxed Set Page 23

  What had he been thinking? This wasn’t his place. These weren’t his people.

  He had a place.

  He was bonded because how the hell else could Mia hear their thoughts? Too bad he couldn’t hear hers or Grey’s, the way bonded mates were supposed to. Then again it might not be what most weres had, but even a half-assed bonding meant something. Meant everything.

  Hell, even more importantly, he felt bonded to them. He wanted them happy. He wanted to comfort them if they were sad. He just wanted to be with them.

  Two mates. Two were mates.

  Whether he was a were, a human, or just some genetic freak, he had two lovers who cared about him. He’d left them because—

  Because he didn’t want them to see him as weak? He was an idiot then. They made him strong. They made him better because he was with them.

  Better than when he was alone.

  Damn it, they needed him, too. Just as much as he did them. What kind of coward ran because things might be too good?

  * * * *

  “I’m back.”

  Shit. Grey and Mia stared. The two of them were standing together, staring at him. Looking tight. Looking as if they were together.

  Looking like he wasn’t a part of them.

  “I can tell that.” Grey didn’t look welcoming.

  “Oh?” Mia crossed her arms, everything in her body language shutting him out. “Why are you back?”

  He’d rather confess to murder. Rome loosened his shoulders and admitted, “Because I need you two.”

  “Really. Why do you suddenly need us?”

  He’d never believed Mia could look so cold. Instead of her melting at his words the chill was getting worse.

  But he wanted this badly enough to try again. “Because we belong.”

  God, he hoped he still did. How much could change after a few angry words and a day or two away?

  “Are you sure?” Mia asked.

  “Damned sure.”

  No response.

  She couldn’t hear his thoughts any more? Couldn’t tell he meant it with all his soul? There were no more words for what he wanted. But he could try again. Keep trying until he convinced them. He had no choice.

  Sudden blinding insight hit.

  Hell, there were words. It’s just they were the ones he’d been terrified to say.

  Rome swallowed. “I love you. Both of you.”

  When Grey smiled, the first tendrils of relief started growing inside Rome. “Welcome home, kid.”

  Rome tried to hide the sudden weakening emotion inside him with a quick laugh. “What? No ‘I told you so’?”

  “Naw. I’m too busy thinking ‘hallelujah.’ All I’ll tell you is—” He reached forward to bear hug Rome. “—I’ll kill you if you ever try to do this again. It’d destroy me to go through this one more time. Hear me?”

  “Heard and understood. Don’t worry. It won’t happen.”

  Grey bent, rested his face between the palms of Rome’s hands. Didn’t look up. Were those Grey’s tears dripping onto his skin? Rome swallowed as he stared down at Grey’s head.

  Submission. Trust.

  It’s stupid not to take what’s offered when you finally get what you want, Rome. Took me long enough to figure that out. Hope you’re smarter than that. Love.

  Rome bent down and bit hard into the sinews of Grey’s neck. His. Grey grunted and looked up, eyes glittering with lust and love.

  “You better not try. Because after he kills you, I will too.” Mia grabbed as much of the two of them as she could gather in. “We missed you so much. We love you, Rome.”

  One small hand slid between his legs, resting against his cock. Why not? Rome bent and bit her shoulder, not quite as hard, but enough to mark, to claim her.

  Love. Submission, trust and love.

  He’d given them to Grey and to her once. Now they were giving the same to him.

  He held them both, gripping them like a lifeline. All he had to do was tell them and this was his? It was just that easy?

  Just that hard.

  Rome cleared his throat. Made sure he could say something without bawling first.

  “How about a welcome back fuck?”

  “Rome, bad dog! No biscuit.”

  “I’m not looking for a biscuit, exactly.”

  Mia’s clever little fingers had unzipped his pants and were now jerking him off. His pulse hammered down into his cock as she gripped him. He could smell the spice of her arousal. If he touched her—and oh, he wanted to—she’d be wet, wanting him. Grey’s cock was already poking into his thigh.

  “You never change, Rome. But first, I think I’ll watch you gentlemen. That will be…fun. And later, much later, we’ll tell you our surprise.”

  For an instant he could almost see Mia pregnant, she was thinking the image so clearly. Rome stared over at his female mate. She smiled.

  But you might be the daddy. Honest.

  It was the shock of her words that let them do it. The shock and the stunned pleasure. But before he could think anymore, Grey had him pinned.

  “Don’t think you get off easy tonight, boy,” Gray growled in his ear. “I think it’s time for pay back.”


  Shit. Mia hadn’t just been jerking him off. One quick pull and the harness was strapped firmly onto his cock and balls.

  “Don’t think I forgot what you did to me, Rome.” Gray’s smile was just a bit menacing.

  Mia settled herself, cross-legged, on the rug as Grey rolled him over and spread his legs. When Rome looked at her, her smile was just a bit evil.

  “Don’t you think you need to be punished, just a little?” Mia asked.

  Rome looked at her hand, resting on her thigh but sooo close to that pretty pussy—and forgot how to talk.

  Punished. Grey was already behind him. Rome could smell the arousal and the need and the sex and the first bite of the restraint stung his hardened cock.

  Grey’s cock pushed the first inch inside him and Rome groaned. So it wasn’t going to be all submission on their parts.

  He fought a grin as he pondered just what they might have planned. He wouldn’t mind. Not at all.

  “Sure. Go ahead and punish me.”

  His ass was going to be sore for days. He knew it. Hell, he wanted it.

  “First, you don’t get to decide. And, second, when Grey is done, it’s not going to be over. I think you might just be tired enough for me to use you next. I’ll try to be gentle. For my sake, not yours.”

  Mia on top of him, teasing the hell out of his tired, sore body. Rubbing his soon to be abused ass on the floor while she enjoyed herself.

  Damn it, the pull of the harness as his erection stiffened, hurt. Felt good.

  Rough. Gentle. He’d take them any way he could get them.

  Rome licked his lips. “Bring it on, baby.”

  Grey wasn’t gentle. Not with his hands and especially not with that monster cock of his. Rome tried not to groan—at least not until the groans were that of pleasure as well as pain.

  “Jesus, Rome. You are a…hell…of a…good…fuck.” Grey’s voice was as rough as his entry.

  It was over with just a few jackhammers of Grey’s cock. It had been too long for both of them. If that damned noose hadn’t held him back, he would have been shuddering out his seed along with Grey.

  As it was, his balls screamed for release. He panted against the floor, humping his hurting, horny cock against its cool, unforgiving strength. Neither the floor nor the cock were going to move doing what he was doing, but he was desperate.

  “My turn.”

  Rome turned his head and blinked the sweat from his eyes. Mia pursed her lips as she crawled forward on her knees. He blinked again and then bit back another groan at the sight of her over him, her breasts just teasing the skin on his back.

  Her nipples were hard. She brushed them against him, very deliberately, tiny hard pricks of desire against him. His head sank back down on the floor.

nbsp; Then she smacked his butt.

  “Nice ass. I like yours as much as you say you do mine.” She smacked the other cheek for good measure. “Now roll over and let me see the rest of you.”

  And damned if he didn’t obey. When did Mia learn to get so bossy? The thing he thought he’d liked most about her was her sweetness.

  She looked his erection over before smiling. Well, he was wrong again. That smile wasn’t sweet, but he liked it just fine. He caught his breath when she moved over him. His cock strained to get closer.

  Her wet little labial lips teased him with their slick promise before she slid her body away. Then she chuckled.

  She ran one finger lightly down his shaft. He growled, his teeth biting into the inside of his mouth. She was going to kill him. He had to take it like a man.

  That meant arching his hips up for more, mutely begging, with sweat trickling down his back. How else could a man take torture like that? She meant cold-blooded murder and he was begging for a quick death.

  She moved, slid deeper down onto his cock and wiggled.

  Whether it was slow or quick, he’d die happy.

  “We have to be careful,” she warned.

  Oh, God. He’d forgotten. The little tease was going to get him too crazy to remember.

  “You will be careful, won’t you?” she whispered.

  He looked into her eyes, alight with laughter and pure, naked lust. She was so beautiful. So precious.

  “Of you? Hell, yes.”

  “That’s what I needed to know.” She sank down further onto his cock and clenched around it, almost painfully tight. “I’m going to ride you nice and slow and careful. Forever. But put your hands behind your head first. This is my show.”

  He was in so much damn trouble. How could you be careful when you wanted to rip into someone?

  His cock jumped as she twitched above him.

  “I love you, Mia.” He tried desperately to keep it safe, to slow things down. He shoved his hands under his head, just the way she’d asked. He had to play it her way. He couldn’t hurt her. He’d die rather than hurt her.

  She was making sure of that. She wouldn’t even let him touch her. At least not with his hands. But she sure as hell let him use his cock on that warm pussy.

  She rocked against him and sighed.

  “That’s so nice, Rome. But I knew you loved me already. Now you’re going to show me how much you love me.”

  And he did. For what seemed like the whole damn night, while she moaned and laughed and scratched and bit, her body rising and falling over him again and again.

  He could hear the screams of passion in her head as her arousal rose higher and higher.

  And when she finally, finally climaxed, her head thrown back and her eyes shut, he could feel every nuance of the white-hot pleasure running through her body. The only thing he couldn’t do was come with her.

  “For the love of God, Mia!” He moaned at last, a pitiful moan when her body let him go, when she backed off and pulled off him with a contented little sigh.

  “Don’t you ever, ever leave us again. Hear me?” Her voice was slurred and sated.

  He was beyond talking. His balls felt like they were two sizes too big and they ached. Jesus, how they ached.

  Before he could even think of what to do next, Mia was curled up, collapsed against him and already asleep, her breath stirring the hair on his chest as she breathed in and out.

  Gray touched his shoulder and Rome jumped. Had Grey been watching the whole time? Rome had actually forgotten there was anyone else but Mia. At least until the second Grey’s hand was on his body.

  It wasn’t possible, but Rome could tell he was getting even harder at Grey’s touch.

  “She does that a lot now. Hungry as a she-cat and then fast asleep when she’s done.”

  Grey was still awake though. Awake and amused and, thank God, still horny.

  Rome could smell his other mate’s arousal.

  “Let me go, Grey. I’ll suck you off. I’ll do anything. But let my cock out of this damned thing. I’ve got to—” Rome begging by now. Hell, his voice was hoarse from begging Mia. He was more than willing to plead with Grey. He didn’t have any pride left.

  Grey knew what it felt like to need and not be able to have. He’d understand.

  “Yeah, I know what it’s like to have your balls on fire. You showed me, Rome.” Grey smiled. His smile was even more evil than Mia’s had been. “Suck me off first and then we can talk.”

  Ah, hell. No relief yet?

  Rome cautiously unclasped his hands. They were numb from where he’d gripped them behind his head to keep himself from grabbing Mia and using her the way he wanted.

  He flexed his fingers and rolled over yet again, crawling to Grey.

  “Motherfucker,” Rome croaked out the words.

  “Need some water, Rome? You sound a little parched. Might not be the best blow job you’ve ever given if you’re that dry. I’m expecting a hell of a good one before I allow you to come.”

  Rome glared before he bent his head.

  “Fuck you, Grey.”

  “Fuck me indeed.” Grey’s cock was already down his throat, thrust down to where Rome could lick Grey’s balls, almost before Rome could swallow. “Let yourself go by yourself, idiot. You’re the fucking Alpha.”

  Jesus, he was an idiot. Almost before Grey finished the sentence, Rome was free and jerking himself off while he swallowed Grey whole.

  Grey’s moan of satisfaction came a split second before fireworks exploded in front of Rome’s eyes—and through his body.

  Grey’s nails biting into his shoulders eased. “Jesus, I forgive you. A fucker with a mouth like yours should be forgiven two or three times a night.”

  Grey touched Rome’s sweaty hair. It felt like a caress, lighter and more delicate than anything either of his mates had done to him all night.

  Rome was sore as hell and higher than a kite. Still on his knees, he looked up at Grey and laughed.

  Punishment had never felt so good.

  But forgiveness was even better.

  * * * *

  He woke up first, as always, still sticky from sex, with one hand on Mia’s stomach and the other nestled on Grey’s chest.

  “You never change, Rome.”

  He had changed. He had a family again.

  But the sex and the love, that hadn’t changed. It had been there from the first.

  Rome mouthed the words, unwilling to wake his partners. “I won’t change. And don’t you guys ever change on me, either.”


  ~ * ~

  Chapter One

  “Hey, baby.”

  “You’ve been drinking.”

  “It’s my birthday.”

  “Your eighteenth birthday, Arlin. Not legal drinking age.”

  “For non-weres, maybe. But when did you turn into a member of the Temperance League? Ohh. I get it, cousin. You’re jealous. After all, I am one day older than you. I always will be.”

  “Shut up. And I’m not your cousin. In fact, I’m really glad I’m not your cousin.”

  “Cousin? We’re almost twins, babe. Is it the longest day of your life? You’ve been like this for every birthday since I can remember. You’d think you’d outgrow it.”

  “And button up your fly, Arlin. You’ve been out sexing too. What type of bar did you go to?”

  He smiled, his patented lazy smile, and took his time about obeying the order. He deliberately left the top button open.

  “A sex bar, of course. C’mon, Tala. You’re so jealous you’re just about crawling out of your skin. It’s okay for me to have sex, you know. I’m not a minor now. Of course, you can’t have it even when you do turn eighteen. You’ve been sold off to the highest bidder. I bet he wants a virgin bride. How quaint.”

  “If you’d been born female, it would have been you on the auction block. It’s at least one good reason to be male.” Tala stood up and began to pace. “I suppose he’ll summon me as soon
as I hit the right age. I don’t even know if he’ll do that. Everything is up to him. It’s disgusting. It’s archaic.”

  “Jealous and scared as hell.” Arlin grabbed her by the shoulders, halting her in midstep. “I didn’t think anything scared you, Tala. Not our little Miss Smartass.”

  “Nothing does.” She looked him in the eye when she lied. “Nothing will.”

  Arlin’s expression softened and his grip on her changed to a soft slide down her shoulders. “Can I help?”

  Help? Arlin was male and the presumptive Alpha of his pack. And she—almost cousin, almost twin, almost part of Arlin and his family—wasn’t. No. There was no help for it.

  “You’re so predictable. You and your so-called help.” She leaned forward to nip his chin.

  He tweaked one of her nipples and she sucked in a breath. “You don’t like it? I can stop.”

  “Shut up, Arlin.”

  Mouth fastened on mouth, like—well, two starving wolves. Tala flexed her fingers, let her nails scrape against Arlin’s bare chest. Such a nice chest, with light fur barely covering warm skin and hard muscle.

  “Harder, baby.” Arlin growled the command against her neck and she swiped down a little harder, leaving a red mark on the skin. He twitched against her, hips against hips. Hard against soft. Against wet. Ache meeting need.

  He pulled on her clothing, tearing it off.

  She bent and bit one of his nipples. He reached, hand holding her ass cheeks and pulled her up, tighter against him. She wound her legs around his waist and clung.

  His teeth dug into the skin near her neck as she tilted her head back, close to her pulse. It was classic submission and dominance, but she wasn’t interested in submission. Not quite yet. Not for either of them.

  She rocked against Arlin and, without words or preliminaries, he shoved a finger inside her.

  “Yessss. More.” They kissed again, fiercely, and he inserted two more fingers. She wiggled against him as he backed her against the wall.

  “What do I get, Tala?” He gave her one blinding shock of pleasure as he touched her clit and she almost forgot words.

  “What…do you want?”

  Another touch and she jolted against him, the space between her ass cheeks rubbing tight against his erection.