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Alpha Boxed Set Page 5
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Page 5
“One thing you need to tell the others, though.” Leila smiled up at him, sweetly. “Anyone dares call me ‘alpha bitch’ to my face, and I’m gonna take his tail and rip it right off. I’m not anyone’s bitch.”
“But—” Dek smiled a real smile at her. “Sure, honey. Whatever you want. The name doesn’t matter. You have the attitude.”
Chapter Five
Leila pushed back a little from the computer and tapped her fingernails thoughtfully on the desk. Click, click, click.
She stared down at those nails. It was the first time in her adult life she could afford to have nails. Waitressing wasn’t a job that allowed for them. She didn’t have to do that anymore. In the other room she heard the sound of the washing machine and dryer running. Lowell was doing the wash. She didn’t have to do that any longer, either.
She had leisure time. Now that was something she hadn’t had since…well, she couldn’t remember when. She had time to have long bouts of sex with her favorite alpha. Time to play with Lin and bake her cookies when she got home from kindergarten. Time to hang out on the computer and read up on wolves. Time.
Too much time. It was driving her crazy. She kept thinking about the damnedest things. Like what she’d just pulled up online: Alpha wolves remain leaders until successfully challenged by another member of the pack. Alpha females are particularly prone to being challenged.
Dek hadn’t told her mating for life meant someone else might kill her for the chance to mate. Not that anyone around here was challenging her. Grey might want her to drop off the face of the earth, but…And she wouldn’t have had the least worry about him or anyone else here if she had something else to do.
She wasn’t a ’50s sitcom mom…not that she could remember a ’50s family quite like the one she’d fallen into here. But there were definite similarities. Dek disappeared every day into his home office and didn’t emerge until evening. Lowell did all the shopping and cooking and cleaning. He even dropped Lin off at school and picked her up. It was only because she glared at him that she got to bake those damn cookies for Lin. Grey roamed around outside, fixing up the ranch house—and while the main part of the building was more than adequate, the damn place was huge and rundown. All the men had plenty to do.
What activities did she have to occupy herself? Baking cookies and having sex. Was her life a cliché or what? Who would have thought life with wolfmen meant turning into a girly female?
Almost as if he were tracking her thoughts, Lowell switched on a soap opera on the TV in the kitchen.
Leila pushed the chair back and stood up fast. She was not going to spend her afternoons listening to that. Pretty soon she’d be asking to have the walls painted pink or something.
She stalked into the large kitchen, ready to snarl. But Lowell had switched to a channel that played country videos. He had his back to the picture window that faced out to the corrals. The view to the outdoors was always beautiful. Lowell wasn’t looking. He was ironing, humming to himself with the music, oblivious to her presence. His dark hair was a little mussed, and he hadn’t shaved that morning.
It was a hot day to iron, even with the air conditioning on. Of course, he had the advantage of being able to take his shirt off. Leila blinked. The view indoors was pretty damn nice, too.
He had a delicious body. It was lean, with beautiful bronzed skin and muscles rippling just under that skin. He was built like a swimmer, not a bodybuilder. You might call him pretty, but there were a few bruises around his shoulder, a scratch on his chest—sort of like the marks Leila left on Dek after sex. Lowell’s jeans slipped just a little lower when he bent over the iron, and she got just the tiniest glimpse of a really nice, tight butt.
Leila blushed.
She wasn’t supposed to be ogling him. She wasn’t supposed to be thinking about—not that she was thinking—
Lowell looked up at her, focused on her, and then smiled.
He didn’t do that a lot. He always looked ready to jump when she was around. Damn. Lowell had a gorgeous smile.
“Can I get you anything, Mistress?”
She hated that title. But this afternoon it felt sort of naughty. Dangerous. Alphas were fun, but a nice submissive change of pace could be…
Whoa, girl. She had more than enough male on her hands—and everywhere else on her body. What was wrong with her?
“I was going to yell at you, but it’s too late. You did what I wanted before I asked.” She smiled back at him as he stared blankly.
“Did I do something wrong?” Tension was seeping back into him.
“No. Nothing.”
He relaxed, just a little, but kept eyeing her as if she was going to take a bite out of him. Hmm. Now that was a thought…
A bad thought. Bad alpha girl. The poor guy would jump if she so much as reached out to touch his shoulder.
She touched it anyhow. He was warm and smooth under her fingertips. And he didn’t jump. For a moment he tensed; then he smiled at her again. Was that a brief glint of interest in those dark eyes?
“Are you sure you don’t need anything?”
That wasn’t a come-on. They both knew Dek would rip him apart if it was a come-on. But her skin prickled as if it had been the most suggestive innuendo she’d ever heard at the bar. Except she usually ignored the comments there, and here—here she was staring at him like she wanted to taste some boy candy.
“Mommy, can I have some juice?” Lin called from the other room.
The weird energy in the room went poof! Lowell put the iron up.
“I’ll get her some, Mistress.”
He turned to the refrigerator and poured juice into a small plastic cup. Then he walked out to where Lin was undoubtedly enthroned on the living room sofa. Damn. The perfectly trained houseboy. There definitely was something seductive about that idea.
When he came back, he poured himself a glass of water, and she watched him tip his head back, the muscles of his throat working as he swallowed thirstily. When he put the cup down, he hesitated, glanced over at her, then turned back to the iron.
“Why are you ironing on such a hot day anyhow?” Leila pulled up a high stool from under the kitchen counter and plunked herself down.
“They’re Dek’s business shirts. He needs them for next week.”
“Oh?” Dek hadn’t said anything to her about shirts or next week or business, for that matter. She could play it cool and wait for Dek to tell her. She didn’t have to lower herself to pump their omega for information.
“It’s for a consult in Houston. One of the oil companies is flying him in.” Lowell sounded almost as proud as if he had been the one summoned.
It didn’t count if the omega started talking all by himself, did it?
“That happen a lot?”
“Some. Mostly he works from here, though. Dek said he can do just as well online with his own computers usually, and he doesn’t want to leave the ranch much now that he bought it for us.” Lowell wet his finger and tested the heat of the iron. “I bet he’ll leave even less now that you’re here.”
“He must be pretty important, then.”
“Yeah.” Lowell beamed. “He’s one of the best.”
The best what? And why hadn’t she ever wondered how this huge old ranch had been acquired by the pack? Even if they’d just rented the place—which she’d assumed up to now—that required money. Apparently Dek provided all of it, supported all of them in fine style on his own.
Maybe she should put all that leisure time toward thinking some useful thoughts and getting some real information. She really was a ’50s woman, just calmly expecting men to provide for her without a thought as to how.
“I think I’ll go pay Dek a visit.” Leila stood up again.
“He doesn’t like to be bothered—I mean, whatever you think, Mistress.” Lowell held up the crisply ironed shirt and carefully put it on a hanger. “I’m sure he’d make an exception for you.”
She watched those muscles ripple again as he stretch
ed over to put the shirt on a rack by the washing machine. Yeah, a trip to visit Dek right now was in order.
Leila paused before she left. Sure, Lowell was the pack’s omega, but that didn’t mean he didn’t deserve some common courtesy. Why hadn’t she ever offered him some before this? Where had she been for the last two weeks? Maybe Dek had sucked her brain away when he’d whisked her away to his den.
“And Lowell—thanks.”
“For what?” He looked startled.
“For everything. You keep this place spotless; you take care of stuff before I even think of needing it; and you’re just a generally useful guy. Those are pretty difficult to find.” Leila decided to make a joke of that slightly uncomfortable moment they’d had. “And you’re not bad-looking without a shirt, either. Nice eye candy.”
He blushed and dropped his gaze.
“Uh…well…thank you for the compliments. Mostly that’s all just part of my job.”
“Well, you do it well, then.” She patted his shoulder—just to reassure, and definitely not because she wanted to touch that pretty flesh again—and headed for the office.
* * * *
She woke up, thinking she’d heard something. But all she heard now was the hum of insects and the coo of quail in the early morning. Leila reached out and realized maybe it was too quiet.
Dek wasn’t by her side.
“Why didn’t you tell me what you do all day?”
“Because I didn’t think you’d be interested.”
“Am I stupid? Self-absorbed? Why wouldn’t I be interested in what my guy does to keep us all in kibbles?”
“Stop with the dog jokes.” Dek clicked the computer off and stood up. Leila clenched her fists. He might think the discussion was over, but he was very wrong.
“Stop with the ‘no trespassing’ signs.” Leila deliberately stepped closer, invading his space.
“Fine. I consult with companies that are either corporate raiders or afraid they’re about to be involved in a corporate takeover. My corporation is called Predators. I’m good at figuring out strategies to take over unsuspecting companies.” Dek brushed past her and began to pace. “Satisfied?”
“No.” Leila swallowed. He looked up at her, and heat damn near sent a flaming arc between the two of them.
“No? What more do you need, baby?”
“I need—I need to do something for myself. To contribute something around here besides being your breeder. Don’t even try to fool me by saying you mean me to be anything else. I’ve read enough and see how you act around me. You want me around to have more kids.”
“I’d like more kids. Sure. We all want that.” Dek moved closer to her this time, very close. Another half-inch, and his crotch would be rubbing against her just where she wanted it. “But that’s not the only reason I fuck you, Leila. You know how much I enjoy it.”
“Gee, overwhelm me with charm.”
“You don’t want charm right now, Leila.”
“My, no, but I want something. I—I’m restless, Dek. Bored. Itchy. If I don’t have something real to do soon, I’ll explode.”
“It’s almost the full moon, babe. We all feel that way. Restless. Itchy.” He was close enough now, close enough to rub against. She almost cried with the need that rippled through her when she felt his hard length.
“Do me, then, Big Bad Wolf. But I have to have something else to do, too.” Thoughts of Lowell flashed in and out of her mind. No. She didn’t mean that. She meant—
He flipped her over so that she was bent over his desk. His zipper slid down with an impatient hiss.
“If you promise to stay in the hotel room while I’m in Houston, I’ll take you with me. There will be just the two of us at night. I’ll take you—anywhere—” He plunged inside her, and she cried out, sharply. “Anywhere you want to go.”
She couldn’t think now. All she wanted was the change in his breathing that signaled his transformation, the weight on top on her that meant she was fucking a wolf, not a man. The slide over the edge to the beast that she was able to create in him.
His howl sent her into the first shiver of climax.
But he wasn’t here right now, making those urgent noises. Instead she heard a sudden, broken-off yip in the distance, more a cry of distress than the howl of a mating wolf. It made her sit up in the bed.
Was that a real wolf, or one of the pack? She heard a thud out near the corral.
No matter who or what it was, it was on their land. Then she heard a yell. Dek’s voice.
Trouble. Wide awake now, Leila pulled open the nightstand and pulled out the gun, loading it with fingers she willed not to tremble. She didn’t like using guns, but some trouble called for them.
No one in her family was going to fight alone and unprotected if she could help.
“WHERE THE HELL have you been?” Dek’s voice was dangerous as he dangled Lowell in the air.
“Does it matter?” For the first time ever, Lowell didn’t hunch over and try to pretend he didn’t exist. For the first time, the kid dared to stare at him, to challenge him. “You’ve got your piece of ass tucked away in your bed. Why don’t you leave me alone while I look for some of my own?”
“Listen, pup—” Dek could feel the adrenaline rising. He tried to temper it, to remind himself this was just an adolescent under the influence of the moon. This was family, not a real enemy.
But even family could threaten, if they wanted to take over the pack.
“I’m not a pup, even if you do treat me like one.”
“I’m not the one who stayed out when he was supposed to be on guard. We don’t have just us to think about anymore—”
“I know. We have a woman and kid. I think about them!”
“He thinks about the woman too much. That’s probably why he was bar-hopping tonight. Get any, kid?” Grey loomed up on Lowell’s other side.
Dek sniffed. “He sure as hell got something that made him come tonight. But I don’t smell any pussy.”
“You whoring around again with cowboys, kid?” Grey cuffed Lowell on the side of his face. “Thought we broke you of that habit when we took you in.”
“So now all I do is whore for the two of you for free? Fuck you both.”
Dek looked over at Grey. Full moon or not, some things couldn’t be tolerated.
IT WAS A wonder she didn’t shoot when she saw three men thrashing around in the front yard. But the bright rays of the moon soon made her pause. She knew those men, and that wasn’t a fight.
She damn near pulled the trigger again from the shock, once she realized just exactly what was going on. Instead she carefully put on the safety and slipped the weapon in the desk by the hall. A nice girl would have gone away and tried to wipe the sight from her mind. That was why Leila ventured out onto the porch for an even better look. She’d done pretending to be nice.
Once she did, she put her freed hands to her mouth, willing herself not to make a sound. She sure as hell didn’t want to be caught. But the men weren’t thinking about the almost soundless squeak of the porch door right now. They had more than enough to do.
Lowell was sprawled on the ground, kneeling, ass up high. He was struggling, cursing, spitting, in a way she’d never seen Lowell do. Dek had the omega’s arms pinned back.
“You think you’re tough enough to be top dog, pup?” Dek snarled the words.
“Maybe he’s tough enough to take it in the ass without lube.” Grey jerked Lowell’s head up. “What do you think, kid?”
“You can make me do this. You can’t make me like it.” Lowell twisted and cursed again.
“Aw, kid. You love bottoming. You were born for it.” Grey tossed something small and white at Dek. “Here you go, boss. Even though he doesn’t deserve it.”
Leila’s throat dried. Dek wasn’t going to—The sound of liquid spitting out of a tube was unmistakable. He was.
Grey already had his pants down to his boots, and Lowell audibly swallowed at the sight of Grey’s erection. Th
e noise made Leila shift her feet. Should she do…something? Grey shoved his cock into Lowell’s mouth, and the younger man’s lips closed over him without any more words.
“Let’s see if we can fuck the sass out of you, pup.” Dek’s voice was almost gentle, yet the words held just enough threat to make Leila wonder.
But Lowell didn’t seem worried. The moan he gave as Dek thrust from behind wasn’t from pain or fear. Leila knew just what that sound was because she’d made it often enough when Dek fucked her. Lowell writhed again, but this time both men over him grunted with satisfaction.
Dear heavenly wonder from above. Leila had seen things in bars and outside them, but she’d never…she’d never…
It was beautiful. Frightening and strange, but beautiful. The three of them rocked together in as intimate an embrace as any trio could have, a mix of force and anger and pure sex.
And tenderness. As they moved together, she could see all of that in how Lowell tilted his head back for Grey. How Grey clutched the omega’s hair. How Lowell sighed when Dek moved inside him. How, in turn, that sigh against Grey’s cock made Grey cry out with pleasure. She stared as they paused. The tableau shifted from moonlight to shadow, skin gleaming bright and then hidden again, teasing her with a glimpse of the male mating dance.
Leila realized her hand was still over her mouth and she was biting it to keep from shouting out with them. Her other arm was wrapped tightly around her waist, the way she wished she was being held.
Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. Grey was moving again, rapidly, pumping in and out of Lowell’s mouth.
“Swallow the whole fucking thing, pup,” Grey rasped out. “Take my come like it was candy.”
She could feel a wet trickle run down her leg when Grey moaned his delight with Lowell’s response. His fists dug into Lowell’s back for a moment, then slowly relaxed. Lowell dropped his head down once Grey was done and hid his face in his hands, working his ass harder, grinding it against Dek.
“Got the spot, didn’t I?” Dek sounded like he was speaking through gritted teeth. “Not so unhappy about me pounding into your ass now, are you?”