Alpha Boxed Set Page 7
“Higher and deeper.” She was stunned at how coolly she rapped the words out, even though she was damn near choking. “And harder.”
When he blew against her clit, she clutched the arms of the chair as if she were on a bucking horse. In the silence she could hear the rasp of his tongue against her, the short, indrawn breath he took when she got wetter still.
“You’re humping the chair, Lowell. I didn’t allow that, did I?”
“Shit. I can’t—mercy, Mistress. I can’t hold on much longer. You smell too good. You feel like…”
“Did I tell you to talk?” If he kept talking, she was going to fall apart in front of him. “Get away from me.”
He shivered, hesitated, and backed away.
“I guess pleasuring me is too much for you. You’re forgetting what I ordered.” He looked like he wanted to protest, but he kept his mouth shut. Leila continued. “You wanted to masturbate for me? Stand up and do it now.”
He pulled himself up, legs shaking. For a moment he stood, looking down at her, his face unreadable. She smiled and put her hands behind her head, pretending to be relaxed, and let her breasts thrust forward under the thin shirt.
“Do your best, Lowell. Make it good and make it last, or I won’t let you finish me off. You want to do that, don’t you? It sounded like I tasted pretty good to you. I can still see my juices on your face. Lick them off first.”
He licked, carefully erasing all traces of her from his chin and cheeks. When he was done, he cupped his balls as if he was offering them to her. She chuckled. In a way, he was. Clever boy. She nodded, signaling him to start the show.
He had good hands. Strong. Eager. His fingers held his shaft tight while his other hand began to pump. Leila reached forward and squeezed his heavy balls just a little. Lowell’s eyes shut, and his teeth bit hard into the front of his bottom lip to keep from crying out. A small drop of sweat ran from his forehead, and she smiled again.
“Go on.” She stretched out her foot, slid it between his opened legs, and let the tip of her tall, pointed shoe heel rest between his ass cheeks.
A thin line of come dropped onto her leg. He stopped his steady jerks and stared at her as she pulled her leg slowly back. He panted, shivering all over.
He was waiting for permission. The knot of excitement in her gut, in her pussy, tightened up another notch.
“Touch your nipples first. You ought to have them pierced. We’d both like that.” She saw them turn bright red as he tweaked them impatiently, his balls pulled tight against him, his cock erect and tall. “Now your balls.” He pulled at them harder than she’d dare, rolled them in his hand.
“Now. You may come for me.” He arched back, running both fisted hands up and down his shaft, letting her see every inch. His breath rasped in his throat. It took about two strokes before he began to shudder, as if fire was licking through his body, or a whip’s lash was tickling his ass. At last he came, the thick white liquid erupting from his body in spurts as if it would never stop.
“Fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.”
Lowell sang out the words on a howl that sounded like pain and pleasure both. Then he sank back down to his knees and rested his head on her lap, covered in sweat. Leila trembled as if she had come herself—and she damn near had at the sight.
“You came on my leg.” She cleared her throat, made her voice rasp with authority, rather than need. “Disgusting. Lick it off. All of it.”
He lifted his head as if it were almost too heavy to move. His eyes were glazed, staring. Then, blindly, eyes shut, he slid his tongue down to her calf and licked. He got on all fours and stroked her leg with his mouth, slipped her foot out of her shoe and bathed that with his tongue. He teased the arch of her foot, tickling the sensitive nerves bundled there.
God, he was young. Young and strong. He was already getting hard again when she pulled him back up in front of her, between her thighs.
“Are you ready to finish pleasing me?”
“I never want to stop pleasing you.” His erection stirred against her mons.
“Now you may use your hands and your mouth.”
“Thank you.” He bent, spread open her pussy, and placed his mouth against it, teeth pulling on her clit, then suckling it.
Leila tried, but she couldn’t help breathing hard—breathing as hard as Lowell was. She looked at his cock, pointing out at her as he attended to her. Jesus, the boy learned fast—almost as fast as his recovery time. He paused when she stilled, moved harder and faster when she shivered. He moaned against her clit, and she gasped.
He put one finger inside her, moving tentatively, deliciously up. She wriggled against that finger, clenched hard around it. Without any words needed, he used a second and then a third. Suckling, then thrusting up with all three digits, he pushed her closer to the edge.
“You’re so beautiful.” She thought she heard him mutter it even while his mouth was busy doing other things.
“Ahhhh.” She ground her pussy against his hand and let the ripples of a climax clutch her, one too intense for her to breathe.
Spots flickered in front of her eyes before she managed to get her lungs working. Jesus. He was still there, mouth and fingers pressed against her, feeling every jolt of the earthquake he’d stirred up.
“Stop. You can stop now.”
He looked up, as intent as if he were on a hunt and close to his prey. “Let me wash you off.”
Wash. Oh, my God. What if Dek smelled—realized—Dek.
It wasn’t much more than he’d had them all do when they first met. Not too very much more. Somehow she knew Dek wouldn’t see it that way, though. Leila rubbed her face. Stupid were rules.
Damn. What she’d done probably didn’t work under any rules. What had she been thinking?
“I’ll wash up myself.”
“I could do it better…Mistress.”
She’d been thinking of how she’d felt when she saw Dek with the other men. The shock and the interest, the anger and the lust. Or maybe she hadn’t been thinking at all. She’d been an idiot.
“Lowell, what we did—It didn’t really mean anything—” And just what did that comment make her sound like? Leila shut her mouth. Never apologize; never explain sounded like a good motto right now.
“I’m sure glad you think so, Leila.” A third voice spoke up.
Oh, shit! He knew. Idiot. Of course he would know. That damned alpha knew everything and could sneak through closed doors if he wanted. How long had he been watching? Quite long enough, she was sure. Leila stared at the scuffed work boots and slowly up the familiar jeans that seemed to fit him like a second skin. She stopped at the belt buckle. His erection was pushing hard against the fabric of his jeans. That was reassuring, but Leila wasn’t sure she really wanted to see Dek’s face right now.
“It’s not—we didn’t—” Lowell started to stammer words out and then realized the virtue of closing his mouth a few vital moments after she did. In silence, he jackknifed up off the floor and pulled his pants on.
Leila lifted her chin and refused to hurry. She wasn’t some damned omega. Instead she smoothed down her skirt and crossed her legs. She darned well knew he was taking a good peek. “Did you enjoy the show, Dek?”
She got her courage together and looked up. When she met his eyes, she was stunned to see something that looked like amusement.
“Sure did. Didn’t you?” He beckoned to her, and slowly, still refusing to hurry, she stood up and inched a little closer. He didn’t sound like he was ready to fight, but she wasn’t letting her guard down yet.
“Yes. And did you have anything more you wanted to say about it, Mr. Deklin Kinkaid?”
“Just don’t forget that was mostly all show, baby.” He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. As if she were maybe Lin’s age!
Leila tried to talk then, but something garbled and choked came out. She was torn between wanting to smack him and weep with relief.
“Now, bend over the chair and spread your legs.�
� His big, pointy-toothed smile was back. That was the grin she didn’t trust for a second, but could never resist. “Pup, get closer and take a good look. While you’re at it, hold on to your cock, because we’re going to show you how sex is really done.”
Chapter Seven
“You’re twisted.” Leila knew her resistance was token. He did, too, because even while she said the words, she leaned over and let him push her legs a little further apart. She didn’t even squawk when his hands moved high up on her thighs.
“You’re nice and wet, babe. I like you that way.”
Leila gasped when Dek entered her without any more warning or ceremony. She was still sensitive, and it hurt a little. Dek bit her neck as he touched her clit. She bucked, realizing that Dek had known the pain would almost immediately translate to pleasure. Damn it, she was still aroused. How many times could a female come in an hour?
Guess she was going to find out.
“I liked that little alpha bitch display of yours,” Dek whispered in her ear. His nail scraped her clit lightly, and she moaned. “You’re definitely becoming were, baby.”
Another groan echoed the sounds she was making. Lowell. Dear heaven, she’d almost forgotten they had an audience.
“Pup, crawl on over and soothe her while I’m busy.”
“You are…too twisted—” Leila gasped and shut her eyes. That didn’t help. She was still able to listen to the sounds of Lowell placing himself before her again, feel the wetness of his tongue against her. Why was she the one who had to make the objections around here? “He’s licking me and you!”
There was something unbearably kinky—and arousing—about the tickle of Lowell’s tongue against her and Dek.
“Well, Lowell has a first-class mouth. He can do a lot of things with it all at one time,” Dek said absently as he abruptly pulled out of her.
“Now what?” Leila was afraid to even try to imagine.
She heard the smack against her butt a split second before she felt the sting of his hand.
“There. That’s to make you feel better.”
“Ow!” The second smack stung even more. When she jumped, Lowell buried his tongue even deeper inside. Pain…pleasure…pain…Jesus. “Ow! Ow! How is that supposed to make me feel better, you—ow!”
But the flicks of fire were suddenly making her claw at Lowell’s shoulders and shout out with more than just anger or agony. She couldn’t think straight, didn’t even want to. She teetered on the edge of cutting pleasure.
“Because now when you think about tonight, you aren’t going to feel guilty, Leila. Instead, the first thing you’ll think of is how that bastard alpha Dek made sure you couldn’t sit down for a week. You might get mad and you might want more, but that’s what you’ll be thinking about.” She heard his chuckle through a welling passion. Hot damn, he was probably right. The way she felt right now left no room for guilt. “Lowell, you have some of that lube handy?”
That helped focus her scattered thoughts in a hurry.
“What?” Leila gulped. “Now listen here, Deklin. I didn’t sign on for what it sounds like you have planned.”
But she stayed still, and Lowell didn’t pause with his rhythmic strokes. She was being pulled into something dark and fearful and…exciting. Dek was behind her, holding her because she was trembling so hard. God, she wanted to stay this way forever…caressed and cherished. Dek always made her feel so damned safe, even in the middle of his frightening promises.
When she leaned over again, knowing her ass was up high and inviting, they all knew she was going to accept.
“Hell, baby, before we’re done, you’re going to beg for more,” Dek echoed her thoughts again as his finger pressed against her anus.
* * * *
“Dek!” Grey’s voice echoed down the hall. It didn’t take long before the three of them heard the sound of his footsteps coming toward the kitchen.
“Dear heavenly mercy, why didn’t anyone stay out when they said they were going out?” Leila mumbled, and Dek laughed.
Leila shoved her shirt and shoes into place at nearly the same moment, some leftover adrenaline giving her speed.
“Dek, damn it, there’s danger!” Grey roared. “Where the hell are you?”
Amusement gone, Dek sprinted out the bedroom door. Lowell growled, almost under his breath, and got up from his knees. He whirled around, grabbed the knife she’d left, and then opened the bureau drawer.
“What are you doing?” Leila had almost grabbed his wrist before he pulled out a revolver. She backed up a step. You didn’t play with things like that, and you didn’t get too close to someone who looked like Lowell when he had a weapon.
When Lowell bared his teeth in a threat face, Leila forgot he was just the omega.
“Where are you going?” Grey bellowed from the other room. “Dek, stop running like a damned jackrabbit and let me tell you what’s going on!”
Leila stepped into the kitchen a split second before Dek arrived there, with Grey at his heels. She had to wonder if Dek hadn’t planned it just that way. At least she didn’t have to think about explaining or apologizing to Grey.
Dek had scooped up Lin, who was clinging to her father’s neck. Leila opened her arms, but Lin shook her head, burrowing her face against Dek. Thank God Dek’s first instinct had been to grab their baby if there was danger. Grey was still talking, his face looking grimmer than ever.
“What happened exactly?” Dek touched his little girl’s hair lightly, absently patting her shoulder while he paced. “And how many of them are there?”
“I’m not sure.” Grey locked the kitchen window. “Two of them stopped me at the bar.”
“You hurt?” Dek asked.
“Two what?” Leila asked at the same time.
“Weres.” Grey barked the word at Leila and then turned back to Dek. “Naw. They’d need more than those curs to take me. They knew that. In fact, they acted real nice. Bought me a drink. They offered—” Grey looked over at Leila and then went on. “They offered to take Leila off our hands if I’d help them.”
“What the hell—” Leila stopped and thought about it. It was the perfect bribe for Grey. She’d be gone, and there was Dek, back again with Grey for company. Damn. Whoever it was, they knew how this pack worked.
“They offered to take Dek out if I’d help.” Lowell skidded into the kitchen, still barefoot.
Dek gave a long, considering glance at Lowell, then Leila. Her stomach knotted, but he didn’t say anything. He just handed Lin over to her and stepped away. Had all that unconcerned amusement of his been just for show?
It’s not like that at all, really. Honestly, Dek. I let some kind of weird brew of jealousy and curiosity take over for a minute. That’s all.
Why the hell didn’t she know he was reading her mind now when she desperately wanted him to?
“Why didn’t you say something right off, boy? They must’ve talked to you first,” Grey demanded. “You ran home before I did.”
“I meant to. I—” Lowell flushed. “Aw, shit.”
“Thought you might take them up on their offer, did you?” Dek sounded as calm as he had in Lowell’s bedroom. Much too calm for Leila’s taste. Didn’t anything bother him? Didn’t it matter?
“It wasn’t like that.” The omega made a helpless, hopeless gesture with his hands and then let them fall to his sides. “Not really. I started thinking about what it would be like if things were different in the pack. If I were different. But it’s not, and I’m not. Anyhow, I told you now.”
“You damned idiot.” Grey shook his head.
“Will they come for us right off?” Leila interrupted, thinking longingly of her own .38. Fool that she was, she’d left it in the hallway all this time and never thought to pick it back up.
“Most likely not.” Grey kept his eyes on the picture window—that huge picture window that was suddenly more liability than asset. “They’re looking for a weakness and haven’t found one yet.”
ll be all right, Mommy.” Lin smiled at her. Patted her hand. Leila smiled back and watched her other hand curl into a fist. Leila needed to make sure they were all right.
Dek leaned over and slid her revolver into her hand. Thank you, Jesus. It couldn’t all be a show, because he was back to reading her thoughts without a problem, knowing what she needed the second she did, or even long before. Maybe things were all right after all.
As all right as you could be with a pack of werewolves after you. Inconveniently, she remembered in vivid detail everything Dek’s old clipping had said about what might happen. Dek had lost his mother, but he’d survived somehow. Not everyone was that lucky. If there was an attack, what might happen to her own baby? She hadn’t wanted to think about it, but now bloody, frightening images crowded in.
“I think I’m feeling a little dizzy.” Leila heard her surprised voice a long, fuzzy way away from her body.
Chapter Eight
“Leila. Baby. Are you listening? Are you able to hear me? Leila, will you fucking open your eyes?” That was Dek’s voice, damn near screaming in her ear. She wanted to respond to the urgency in his tone—and shut up the shouting—but she was so tired. He could wait just a little longer, surely, until she got the gray mist cleared out of her brain.
There was something she had to ask, though. Something that couldn’t wait. She licked her lips, forced the word through. “Lin?”
The voice immediately lowered down to a more soothing rumble. “Oh, baby. I wondered there…Lin is fine. Grey has her outside, until we got you moving again. You scared her half to death.”
“I didn’t faint. I never faint.”
“Right. Well, you decided to sit down and take a rest on the kitchen floor for a little too long.”
Leila blushed. “I’ll go see Lin and reassure her.”
“I’ll carry you.”
“Stupid yourself. I don’t trust you to stand right now. You’d fall over and hit your fool head,” her lover said tenderly, and then she was pulled up, left dangling in the air, with her head spinning all over again. She hung on to Dek’s shoulders and let him carry her away.